Indian Coast Guard Civilian Syllabus 2022 ~ Check Exam Pattern

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Indian Coast Guard Civilian Syllabus PDF Free Download: The Indian Coast Guard is to appoint Candidates for the Post of Chargeman, Draughtsman, MT Fitter (Mech) and MTS (Peon) as Civilian Personnel. The date of the written examination will be communicated on the admit card issued by the Board. The Candidates can Download ICG Group B, C Draughtsman & Other Post Exam Pattern and Syllabus.

ICG Civilian Syllabus 2022 Details

Board NameIndian Coast Guard
Post NameChargeman, Draughtsman, MT Fitter (Mech) and MTS (Peon)
Exam DateWill be communicated Later
SyllabusAvailable Now
StatusSyllabus Available

ICG Civilian Syllabus Topics:

 (i) Mathematics:- Mathematical Simplification, Ratio and Proportion, Algebraic Identities, Linear Equations and Polynomials, Simultaneous Equations, Basic Trigonometry, Interest, Profit, Loss and Percentage, Work, Time, Speed and Distance, Simple Mensuration, Geometry, Measures of Central Tendency (Average, Median and Mode).

(ii) English:- Passage, Preposition, Correction of sentences, Change active to passive/passive to active voice, Change direct to indirect/indirect to direct, Verbs/Tense/Non Finite, Punctuation, Substituting phrasal verbs for expression, Synonyms and Antonyms, Meanings of difficult words, Use of adjectives, Compound preposition.

(iii) General Awareness:- Geography: Soil, Rivers, Mountains, Ports, Inland, Harbours, Culture and Religion, Freedom Movement, Important National Facts about India, Page | 7 Heritage, Arts and Dance, History, Defense, Wars and neighbours, Awards and Authors, Discoveries, Diseases and Nutrition, Current Affairs, Languages, Capitals and Currencies, Common Names, Full Forms and Abbreviations, Eminent Personalities, National Bird/Animal/Sport/Flower/Anthem/ Song/ Flag/Mountains, Sports: Championships / Winners /Terms / Number of Players, General Science etc.

(iv) Reasoning:- Spatial, Numerical Reasoning & Associative Ability, Logical Reasoning, Sequences, Spellings Unscrambling, Coding and Decoding, Seating arrangement, Blood-Relation, Inequality, Decision making, Input-Output.

(v) Science:- Nature of Matter, Universe (Planets / Earth/Satellites/ Sun), Electricity and its application, Force and Gravitation, Newton’s Laws Of Motion, Work, Energy and Power, Heat, Temperature, Metals and Non-Metals, Carbon and its Compounds, Measurements in Science, Sound & Wave Motion, Atomic Structure, Physical world and measurement, Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power. Newton’s laws and applications, circular motion, Motion of System of particles and rigid body, gravitation, Property of Bulk Matter, thermodynamics, the behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory, Oscillation and Waves, Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Magnetic Effects of current and magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction and alternating currents, Electromagnetic Waves, Optics, Dual Nature of matter and radiation, Atom and Nuclei. Conductors, Semi conductor& Insulators; Magnetic materials; Jointing & Cleaning materials for U/G copper cable & OFC; Cells and Batteries (chargeable and non-chargeable); Relays, Switches, MCB & Connectors. PN Junction diodes, thyristor; Diode and triode circuits; Junction Transistors; Amplifiers; Oscillator; Multivibrator, counters; Rectifiers; Inverter and UPS.

Note:- The standard of the question paper will be of Staff Selection Commission’s graduate level examination.

Note: Questions on Numerical Aptitude, Reasoning and General English will be simple, of a level that an average matriculate will be in a position to answer comfortably. Questions on General Awareness will also be of a similar standard 

ICG Civilian Exam Pattern:

  • It will be pen-paper based.
  • The question paper will be bilingual for consists of 80 objective-type questions
  • There will be no negative marking.

Chargeman and Draughtsman Exam Pattern

SubjectNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration


01 Hour

General Awareness1515
Mental Ability/ Reasoning1010
Total 80 80

MT Fitter (Mech) and MTS (Peon) Exam Pattern

SubjectNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration


01 Hour

General Awareness2020
Mental Ability/ Reasoning2020
Total 80 80

Indian Coast Guard Civilian Syllabus PDF Free Download

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