Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Zee Kannada Audition 2021 ~ Season 18 Registration

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Kannad Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Audition 2021 Zee Kannada Season 18 Online Registration Form Starting Date, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Zee Kannada Audition 2021 Season 18 Online Registration Form Starting Date: There are many singing reality shows are going on TV channels. One of the most famous reality show is Saregamapa. Sa re ga ma pa show are in different languages. Here, we are going to discuss sa Re Ga Ma Pa Kannada language. It is telecast on zee Kannada channel. People who are waiting to participate in this show, there is good news for them. Zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa season 18 is going to start soon.

The candidates who want to participate in this show can prepare themselves. Kannad Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Season 18 online auditions will be taken very soon. In this article, we are going to provide hot-related information regarding Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Season 18 audition.

We will also discuss the date of the audition, eligibility criteria, required documents, and how to apply and register for sa re ga ma pa Kannada audition.

Season 18 Details

Show’s Name:Sa re ga ma pa
Telecast on:Zee Kannada
Type of show:Singing reality show
Starting Date of Auditions:Will come soon

Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Kannada Audition Season 18

As you know that, this show is very famous all over India. People who love singing, give an audition every year. The people who did not select, prepare themselves for an upcoming session. This reality show is liked by singers as well as other people. In 1995 it has been started in the Kannada language.

After completing its season 17 successfully, zee Sa Re Ga Ma Pa season 18 is going to start soon. As you know that, due to coronavirus, all auditions have been postponed. So, Kannada saRe Ga Ma Pa season 18 is going to take the online audition.

If you really want to be a part of the show, you can apply and register online. Registration for sa Re Gama Pa Kannada Season 18 will be started very soon.

Eligibility Criteria

If you want to take part in Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, for this you have to follow The Eligible that is set by the SaRe Ga Ma Pa team. Read the eligibility criteria that are given below:-

  • The candidates who have completed 18 years can take part in Kannad Sa re ga ma pa Season 18.
  • Only permanent citizens of India can take part in this singing reality show.
  • The candidate going to participate in this show must be a medical fit.
  • Zee app should be installed on Applicant’s mobile.

Required Documents

When you will be applied for the zee Kannada Saregamapa singing reality show Season 18. You need some documents at the time. The required document has been given below:-

  • You have to take a bonafide certificate that should be attested by the co gazetted officer.
  • Address proof certificate like Aadhar card, ration card etc.
  • You also need a fitness certificate. The fitness certificate should be attested by the medical officer.
  • For age verification, you have to take a matriculation certificate.
  • Passport size photos of the candidate.
  • ID proof certificate.

Online Registration for Zee Kannada Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Season 18

If you want to participate in Saregamapa Kannada. For the audition, you have to make online registration. Process of registration given below:-

  1. Firstly, you need to download the Zee app on your mobile.
  2. To download the Zee app, you have to visit Google Play. From the Zee app, you can easily register yourself for this singing show.
  3. Now, we will discuss you can download the zee app on your mobile phone.
  4. First of all, visit the Google Play Store. In the search option, enter the Zee app and click on the search option.
  5. Zee app will show on your phone. Click on the install option.
  6. After the Zee app installed, you have to register.
  7. Open this App, and select the option Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Season 18 audition 2021.
  8. After that registration form will be open in front of you. You have to enter all the details like full name, date of birth, total age,
  9. mobile number as well as email ID.
  10. After completing it, upload your singing video.
  11. That should be no more than 50 MB and 3 minutes.
  12. At last, you have to click on the submit button.

Zee Kannada Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Season 18 application status

  • To check application status, again visit the zee app, which you have already downloaded on your mobile phone.
  • After that, click on the registration button. Now, so you have to click on the proceed button.
  • A new page will be open in front of you.
  • On this page, you will find the option to check the application status. Click on it.
  • Now, enter your name with your registered mobile number. On your mobile number, OTP will be sent.
  • Enter OTP for verification. After that, you are application status will be on your screen.

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