Puzzle – 52 (Moderate) (Circle Based)

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8 representatives were called for a meeting but all were not present for the meeting. The people invited for the meeting lives on different floors of a eight storey building where lower most floor is numbered 1 and top most floor is numbered 8. Representative from each floor is invited for the meeting. Meeting was conducted on a circular conference table having 8 seats.

Both E and H does not live on an even numbered floor. Only 2
persons sit between B and representative of floor numbered 4. H sits third to the right of person who lives on floor numbered 4. A does not sit next to B. Both F and D do not live above or below the floors on which person who was absent from the meeting lives. The person living on floor numbered 8 sits third to the right of G, who does not live on floor numbered 6. E does not sit next to H. E faces a vacant seat. D sits to the immediate right of person who lives on floor numbered 5. One who lives on floor numbered 3 sits second to the left of A. Vacant seat is to the immediate right of person who lives on floor numbered 2. A lives on an odd floor. D does not live on the top most floor.

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