Eight family members P, Q, Z, F, G, K, D and C are seating around a circle and facing at the centre. Each of them has one of the different profession i.e. Lawyer, Doctor, Engineer, Banker, Architect, Teacher, Actor and singer but not necessarily in the same order.
F is not an immediate neighbor of Q who is a teacher. Only one
person sits between G and Z. Z is the mother of C who is a Singer. Z is not an immediate neighbor of K. Q sits second to the left of G’s husband. No female is an immediate neighbor of Q. D, who is brother-in-law of P is the father of an Architect. D’s daughter sits second to the right of F. F who is a lawyer, is the sister of Z. Q’s daughter is an Engineer. F is not an immediate neighbor of G’s husband. Only one person sits between P and F. P is the father of Z and he is a Banker. G’s brother D sits to the immediate left of G’s mother. Only one person sits between G’s mother and K. D is not an Actor.
Solution :

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