Puzzle – 169 (Moderate) (Month Based)

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Eight people F, G, H, I, J, K, L and M went to watch a movie in one of the following month viz. January, April, June and July. In each month two movies were released on two different dates that is either on 18th or 25th of any given month.
H and J watched movie in a month having 31 days. There is at least one person who watched movie between F and M. L watched movie before F who didn’t watched movie in January. G watched movie in June. M watched movie immediately after G. J didn’t watched movie on 18th of any month. G watched movie somewhere after H. Two people watched movie between H and I. G and J watched movie on same date. Similarly, F and L watched movie on same date. Neither I nor M has watched movie on same date. K didn’t watched movie on July month.

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