Puzzle – 141 (Moderate) (Month Based)

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Eight people M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T has visited a hospital on two different dates i.e. 13th and 21st but in different months i.e. March, June, August and November of the same year. Not more than two people will visit the hospital in the same month.

O visited the hospital in the month which have even numbers of days but not on 21st of any of the month. Two people visited the hospital in between O and T. Neither R nor Q visited the hospital in the month which have an odd number of days. R visited the hospital after N but not before T. P and S visited the hospital on a same date but not in the same month. Q visited the hospital on 21st of any month but before the month of August but not immediate before O. N does not visited the hospital on 13th of any month and also does not visited immediate after O. S neither visit the hospital before N nor on 21st of any the month. R does not visit the hospital just after S. M and P visited the hospital on different dates.

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