Punjab Mahashivratri Bumper Lottery Draw Result 2021 Live Draw, Check Winner List, Contact Number, In Punjab state, a number of people have about Punjab state Mahashivratri Bumper Lottery 2021. Every year, the state government releases the Lottery on Shivratri, Lohri, and Diwali Bumper Lottery. The state component of Punjab will announce the Punjab state Mahashivratri bumper lottery result and the name of winners will be uploaded on the website.
Today in this article we are going to inform you about how to register online, the process of applying for a lottery, etc. For all information regarding the Punjab state Mahashivratri bumper lottery, read this article till the end.
Maha Shivratri Bumper Lottery Result 2021 Punjab State
People who have bought Punjab maha Shivratri bumper lottery 2021, the result will be announced on 12th March 2021. The people of Punjab can buy the tickets, how many they want and no extra charges will be taken by them. The price of the ticket is rupees 500. This is on people, how many tickets they want to buy.
The government of Punjab has launched Punjab state Mahashivratri bumper 2021 to the people who are interested to buy lotteries. The number of Punjab state Mahashivratri bumper 2021 is from 0, 00, 000 to 9,99,999. The people who about the tickets can see the result live on 12th March 2021.
Contact Number of Punjab State Mahashivratri Bumper Lottery 2021 and Full Address
Phone Number: 0172- 2660072, 26620073, 2660202
Vit-te-yojana Bhawan, plot number 2
Sector 33A, Chandigarh 160020
Fax Number: 0172- 26600 72
Punjab State Mahashivratri Bumper Lottery 2021 Result and Prices
Winners Shivratri Bumper Lottery 2021 will get an amount after winning. In the following lines we are going to inform you about the winning amount for the agent and seller:
The First Prize:-
- For Seller, the first price amount is rupees 20 lakhs.
- For the sub-agent, the first price amount is rupees 5 lacs.
Second Prize:-
- For sellers, 10 people will be selected for the second price and each will get 50000 rupees.
- For sub-agents, 10 lacs will be distributed among 10 people, who will select For the second price.
Winners of Punjab state Mahashivratri Bumper Lottery Result 2021
Under Punjab state Mahashivratri bumper lottery result 2021, only one person will get the first price. Rs 5,25,00,000 will be given to the first winner.
- For the second price, 10 people will be selected and each will get 12,50,000.
- The third price will be given to 2000 persons and each contestant will receive nine thousand.
- For the Fourth prize, they will select 2000 contestants and each will get 7000 Rupees.
- The fifth price will be distributed among 2000 candidates and it will get 5000 rupees.
- Sixth Prize with distributed among 50000 candidates and each contestant will get 1000.
How to Buy Punjab State Mahashivratri Bumper_Lottery 2021
There are many people in Punjab state who are interested to buy lottery tickets. They buy lotteries on Lohri, Baisakhi, etc
People can buy lottery tickets from government authorized sellers and distributors in all districts of Punjab.
Punjab State Mahashivratri Bumper Result 2021 Date
Lucky draw Mahashivratri bumper lottery result 2021 will be announced on
13th March 2021 at Ludhiana at 3 p.m evening.
How to Check live Result of the Punjab Mahashivratri_Bumper lottery 2021
- First of all, you have to visit the official website of the Punjab state lotteries department.
- The home page will be open on your screen. Click on the lottery result option.
- Now you have to enter your ticket number with a category.
- After that, the online result will come on your screen. You can download the result further.
Punjab State Maha Shivratri Bumper Lottery 2021 Watch Live Draw
- To watch the live result of Punjab Mahashivratri Bumper_Lottery 2021, you have to again visit the official website of Punjab_lotteries.
- On the homepage, you have to click on the “watch lottery draw live”.
- After that, you can watch the live telecast of the Maha Shivratri bumper lottery result 2021.
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