NFC Stipendiary Trainee Prelims Admit Card 2021 Released – Check Exam Date Details Here!!! The Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) has released the Admit Card for Stipendiary Trainees, Work Assistants, Upper Division Clerk Posts. So the aspirants who had applied will be having the Preliminary exam according to the postcodes. And the prelims exam will be on April 28th, 2021. Now, The board has postponed the exam date and the new date going to announce soon.
NFC Stipendiary Trainee Prelims Admit Card 2021
Name of the Board | Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) |
Post name | Stipendiary Trainees, Work Assistants, Upper Division Clerk |
Vacancy | 273 |
Prelims Exam date | 08.07.2021 & 09.07.2021 |
Admit card Release date | 21.06.2021 |
Status | Admit Card Released |
Steps to Download NFC Stipendiary Trainees, Work Assistants, and UDC Prelims Admit Card 2021:
Step: 1 Go through the official site @
Step: 2 The Nuclear Fuel Complex home page will be opened on the screen.
Step: 3 Once the home page is available on top of the page Recruitment section will be shown.
Step: 4 Click on the “Recruitments” tab.
Step: 5 Check for the NFC Stipendiary Trainees, Work Assistants, Upper Division Clerk Admit Card 2020.
Step: 6 Click on the link provided.
Step: 7 logs in with the details of the User Name and Password.
Step: 8 Enter the given Captcha.
Step: 9 Click on the login button.
Step: 10 Check and download the Admit Card carefully and have copies of print out for reference.

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