National Livestock Mission (NLM) 2022 ~ Apply Online, Eligibility

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Entrepreneurship is not developing at the expected rate and due to this reason, there is unemployment in the country. In order to tackle this situation, the government of India has launched a national livestock Mission. Through the National livestock Mission (NLM) 2022 employment will be generated. Other than that entrepreneurship will be developed and an increase in per animal productivity will also be done. This article covers all the important aspects of a national livestock mission 2022 like its objective, benefits, features, eligibility, required documents, application procedure, etc. So if you want to benefit from the National Livestock Mission (NLM) then you have to go through this article very carefully till the end.

Key Highlights Of National Livestock Mission

Name Of The SchemeNational Livestock Mission
Launched ByGovernment Of India
BeneficiaryCitizens Of India
ObjectiveTo Generate Employment
Official WebsiteClick Here
Year 2022

About National Livestock Mission 2022

The Department of animal husbandry and dairying, the government of India has launched a National Livestock Mission in the year 2014-15. Through this mission, employment will be generated through entrepreneurship development and increasing per animal productivity which will help in increased production of meat, goat milk, egg, and wool. The excess in production will uplift the export earnings after meeting the domestic demand. This scheme has been launched in order to develop the entrepreneurs to create the forward and backward linkage for the product that is available at the unorganized sector and to link the unorganized sector with the organized sector. An increase in per capita productivity will be done through breed improvement.

Promotion of skill-based training and dissemination of technologies for reducing the cost of production and improving the production of livestock will be done. Other than that establishment would be encouraged for fodder processing units to reduce the demand-supply gap.

Objective Of National Livestock Mission

The main objective of the National Livestock Mission is to generate employment through entrepreneurship development in the small ruminant, poultry and piggery sector, and fodder sector. This scheme focuses on increasing per animal productivity which will be done through breed improvement. Other than that increase in the production of meat, egg, goat milk, wool and fodder will also be done. This scheme will also ensure the availability of fodder and feed in order to substantially reduce the demand. The establishment will be encouraged fodder processing units in order to reduce the demand-supply gap. Risk management measures will be taken including livestock insurance for farmers. The applied research will also be promoted in Prioritised areas.

Benefits And Features Of National Livestock Mission

  • The Department of animal husbandry and dairying, government of India have launched National Livestock Mission in the year 2014-15.
  • Through this mission employment will be generated through entrepreneurship development and increasing per animal productivity
  • This scheme will help in increased production of meat, goat milk, egg and wool.
  • The excess in production will uplift the export earnings after meeting the domestic demand.
  • This scheme has been launched in order to develop the entrepreneurs to create the forward and backward linkage for the produce that is available at the unorganised sector
  • Through this scheme the unorganised sector will be linked with the organised sector.
  • Increase in per capita productivity will be done through breed improvement.
  • Promotion of skill-based training and dissemination of technologies for reducing cost of production and improving production of livestock will be done.
  • Other than that establishment would be encouraged for fodder processing units to reduce the demand supply gap.

National Livestock Mission Design

Sub mission on breed development of livestock and poultry-

through this mission in the sector of poultry, sheep, goat, and piggery sharp focus on entrepreneurship development and breed improvement will be done by providing incentives to the individuals, FPOS, FCO, JLGS, SHG, section 8 companies for entrepreneurship development and also the state government in order to improve the breed for future infrastructure

Sub mission on feed and fodder development-

The aim of this submission is to strengthen the fodder seed chain in order to improve the availability of certified fodder seed required for fodder production and encourage entrepreneurs for the establishment of fodder units by providing incentives

Sub mission on innovation and extension-

This mission focuses to provide incentives to the institutes, universities, organizations in order to carry out research and development activities which are related to the sheep, goat, pig, feed, and fodder sector, extension activities, livestock insurance, and innovation. The government is going to provide incentives for this mission

Beneficiaries Of National Livestock Mission

  • Any individual
  • Farmer producer organisation
  • Self help group
  • Former cooperative organisation
  • Joint liability group
  • Section 8 companies

Financial Aspect Of National Livestock Mission

Through the National livestock mission 50% capital subsidy is provided for the establishment of rural poultry farms which include hatchery and brooder cum mother unit, sheep or goat breeding farm, pig breeding farm, fodder value addition unit, and storage unit. Subsidy ceiling for different components varies from Rs 25 lakh up to Rs 50 lakh. The subsidy cap for various projects are as follows:-

  • Poultry project- Rs 25 lakh
  • Sheep and goat- Rs 50 lakh
  • Pig- Rs 30 lakh
  • Fodder- Rs 50 lakh

The remaining amount of the project cost will be arranged by the applicant through bank loans or loans from financial institutions. The subsidy amount under this scheme will be released into equal instalments. The first instalment will be released at the beginning of the project and the second instalment will be released after completion of the project and duly verified by the state implementing agency.

Different Eligible Project Under National Livestock Mission Entrepreneurship Scheme

  • Establishment of Parent Farm, Hatchery, brooder cum mother unit of Rural poultry birds with minimum 1000 parent layers for production of Hatching Eggs and Chicks
  • Establishment of sheep and goat breeding farm with minimum 500 female and 25 male
  • Establishment of Pig breeding farm with minimum 100 sow and 25 boar
  •  Establishment of fodder value addition units such as preparation of Hay/Silage/Total Mixed Ration(TMR)/ Fodder Block and storage of fodder

Implementing Agency Of National Livestock Mission

  • The implementing agency of national livestock Mission is state implementation agency which established under the state animal husbandry department
  • The state animal husbandry department is required to identify the agency which is already established for the implementation of national livestock mission or the state animal husbandry department is required to establish the state implementing agency
  • State government is required to notify the state implementing agency to the Department of animal husbandry and dairying
  • The central share will be channelised through the state implementing agency

Functions Of The State Implementation Agency

  • State implementing agencies are required to invite the names of entrepreneurs or eligible entities to the expression of interest
  • The application submitted by the beneficiaries will be scrutinised and the state implementing agency will recommend the applications of beneficiaries in order to avail Balance financing for the project through the scheduled banks and financial institutions
  • After the funding for entrepreneurship component through financing for Loan portion is committed then the same will be placed before the state level executive committee for the approval
  • After the approval the project will be sent to the central government through the portal
  • Implementing agency is required to send the proposals other than the entrepreneurship project for seeking central share through online portal
  • For monitoring the projects the state implementing agency will be responsible

Monitoring Of National Livestock Mission

  • National livestock Mission will be monitored through management information system in order to maintain data and online monitoring
  • The assets will be monitored through GI tagging
  • The implementation of the scheme will be reviewed at the national Review meeting, regional review meeting and state review meeting
  • A project management agency will also be set up in order to assist the implementation of this scheme
  • Transparency in the scheme monitoring will be maintained by involving the Panchayati Raj institutions like members of gram panchayats at the village level and Panchayat Samiti at block level and the district Panchayat at the district level.
  • Other than that Pashu Sakhi under the national rural livelihood Mission will be utilised for feedback of the project
  • For breed improvement, identifying the sources the Pashu Sakhi will be involved
  • State implementation agencies also required to submit physical progress report for the projects which are under central share
  • The financial progress report will also be submitted as per the prescribed format

Project Approval Of Entrepreneurship Programme

  • The beneficiaries are required to submit the application through the portal to the state implementing agency in response to the expression of interest which is issued by the state implementation agency
  • The submitted application will be scrutinised by the state implementation agency and will be recommended for sanction of loan
  • After the recommendation the project will be considered by the bank for financing
  • Once the beneficiaries obtains the finance then the state implementing agency will place the same to the state level executive committee for recommending the application to the central government
  • The department will approve the project through the project approval committee and funding subsidy amount for the above project through small industries development bank of India to the lending bank or financial institution as the case may be

Approval Of The Projects Which Are Submitted By Central Agency, University Farms etc

  • The concerned agencies and university farms will submit the proposal to the national livestock mission division through their parent organisation
  • The parent organisation will approve and recommend the project before forwarding to the national livestock Mission division seeking assistance
  • On the receipt of application the project approval committee which is established under the chairmanship of joint secretary will approve the project depending on the feasibility and viability of the project
  • The concerned agency or university farm is required to inform the physical and financial progress of the scheme to the national livestock Mission division in every quarter

Funding And Fund Flow Of The Scheme

  • National livestock mission is consist of both centrally sponsored components and central sector components
  • The department will also provide funding to the State implementation agency towards administrative cost for inviting proposal
  • The subsidy amount will be channelised through the small industries development bank of India
  • A memorandum of understanding will be signed with SIDBI regarding managing of subsidy, transfer of subsidy to the lending banks and financial institution
  • The administrative cost will be provided to SIDBI for working as fund channelising agency for the administrative program
  • It is the liability of SIDBI to submit all the information and utilisation of funds transferred to them
  • The modalities will be decided by the Department for fund channelising work with SIDBI
  • The subsidy amount will be provided to the schedule bank or financial institution
  • First instalment of subsidy will be released after first instalment of loan
  • The funds for centrally sponsored components of the scheme under the submission will be released to the state government’s RBI account
  • The state government will transfer the funds to the account of the state nodal agency within 21 days and the state share to be released within 40 days

National Livestock Mission Application Workflow

  • Online application form
  • Screening of application by SIA
  • Loan sanction by lenders
  • Recommendation from SLEC
  • Approval of subsidy by DAHD
  • Disbursement and release of subsidy

Process Of Availing Loan Under National Livestock Mission

  • Online application form- Applicant is required to properly submit the application form along with all the required documents
  • Screening of application by State implementing agency- All the applications will be scrutinized by the state implementing agency. After that the agency will recommend the application of the entrepreneur for availing balance financing for the project through schedule bank of Financial institutions
  • Loan sanction by lender- After getting the recommendation from the state implementing agency the same project will be considered by the bank or financial institution for financing. The lender will pick the application along with all the documents from the portal and will approve the loan after examining the application. After the sanction of loan the lender will upload the sanction letter on the portal
  • Recommendation from state level executive committee- After the sanction of the project the state level implementing agency will place the same in SLEC for recommending the application to the central government
  • Approval of subsidy by DAHD- DAHD will approve the subsidy and will mark the approval of same on portal
  • Disbursement and release of subsidy- There will be some terms and conditions which will be mentioned on the sanction letter. After compliance of these terms and conditions the lender will disburse the loan amount to the beneficiary. Fund the subsidy amount for the approved project through the SIDBI to the lending Bank or financial institution as the case may be and release the subsidy to the beneficiary

Ranking Of The States For Performance

The states will be ranked according to their performance. The parameters of performance are as follows:-

  • Number of units established under entrepreneurship programme
  • Number of jobs created through such entrepreneurship development
  • Quantity of fodder seeds produced and improvement of fodder production
  • Number of farmers benefited
  • Number of livestock insured under insurance program
  • The Number of innovative project promoted and actually implemented
  • Creation of awareness amongst the farmers and youth for the scheme
  • Timely utilisation of funds released by the department as central share
  • Project implementation time
  • Timely release of state share
  • Increase in production of egg, meat and wool in the state
  • Increase in availability of good germplasm through entrepreneurship programme

Eligibility Criteria Of National Livestock Mission

  • Applicant must have received training or have trained expert or have sufficient expertise in the relevant field in order to manage and run the project or have technical expert with sufficient experience in the relevant field for managing and running the project
  • The applicant must have all the relevant documents for KYC
  • entrepreneurs or eligible entities should have their own land or lease land where the project will be established
  • applicant have got the sanction loan for the project by bank or financial institution furnished bank guarantee from scheduled bank along with approval of Project for its validity by bank where it is holding account

Required Documents

  • Proof of applicant’s share in the project
  • List of farmer’s attached in the project
  • Address Proof of applicant
  • Last 3 years audited financial statement (in case of company)
  • Last 3 years Income Tax Return
  • Bank Statement for last 6 months
  • Pan/Aadhar card of Chief Promoter
  • Caste certificate (if applicable)
  • Training certificate
  • Experience certificate
  • Scanned Photo
  • Scanned signature

Procedure To Apply For National Livestock Mission

  • First of all go to the official website of national livestock mission
  • The home page will open before you
  • On the homepage you are required to click on apply here
  • Now following options will appear before you
  • You have to click on the option of your choice
  • After that you have to click on register
  • Now you have to enter name of applicant, status, state, district, City, details of authorised person, mobile number, email id etc
  • After that you have to click on register
  • Now you have to click on login
  • You have to enter your login credentials and click on login
  • After that you have to click on apply for National livestock mission
  • Application form will appear before you
  • You have to enter all the required details in this application form
  • Now you have to upload all the required documents
  • After that you have to click on submit
  • By following this procedure you can apply under National livestock mission

Procedure To Login On The Portal

  • Go to the official website of national livestock mission
  • The home page will open before you
  • Now you are required to click on login
  • Following options will appear before you:-
  • You have to click on the option of your choice
  • A new page will appear before you
  • Now you have to enter your login credentials
  • After that you have to click on login
  • By following this procedure you can login on the portal

Procedure To Download Document Formats

Procedure To View List Of Suppliers For Various Inputs

  • First of all go to the official website of national livestock mission
  • The home page will open before you
  • On the homepage you are required to click on scheme instructions
  • After that you have to click on list of suppliers for various inputs
  • A new page will appear before you containing list of suppliers
  • You have to click on the option of your choice
  • Required details will be on your computer screen

Give Feedback

  • Go to the official website of Department of animal husbandry and dairying
  • The home page will open before you
  • On the homepage you are required to click on feedback
  • Feedback form will appear before you
  • In this feedback form you have to enter feedback topic, name email ID and feedback
  • Now you have to click on submit
  • By following this procedure you can give feedback

View Contact Details

  • Visit the official website of Department of animal husbandry and dairying
  • The homepage will open before you
  • now you are required to click on contact us
  • A new page will appear before you
  • On this page you can view contact details

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