MP Vyapam PNST Syllabus 2021 ~ Download MP Vyapam Exam Pattern

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Recruitment Board NameMP Vyapam
Job RolePre-Nursing Selection Test (PNST) – 2021
Salary16500 – 35700
Application Fee100 – 250
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Application Last Date2021
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Syllabus for MP Vyapam PNST 2021


Unit and Dimensions, Dimensional Analysis, S.I, Units, Motion in two dimensions cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration, general relation among position and velocity, uniform circular motion, force and inertia.Newton’s laws of motion, Conservation of momentum and energy.

Static and kinetic friction, work energy and power elastic collisions, potential energy, gravitational potential energy and its angular conservations to its kinetic energy, Potential energy of a spring. Rigid body rotation and conservation of its momentum, moment of inertia, theorems of parallel and perpendicular axis. (moment of inertia of uniform ring, disc, thin rod and cylinder only).

Acceleration due to gravity and its variation,universal law of gravitation, geostationary satellites, escape velocity.

Hooke’s law, young’s modulus, shear and bulk modulus, surface energy and surface tension, kinetic theory of gases, gas laws, kinetic energy and temperature.

Specific heats and constant volume and constant pressure mechanical equivalent of heat, isothermal and adiabatic processes.Heat conduction in one dimension, convection and radiation, Stefan’s law and Newton’s law of cooling. Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, Oscillations due to spring. Wave motion, principle of superposition, progressive and stationery waves, beats and Doppler effect.

Wave nature of light, interference, young’s double slit experiment, velocity of light and Doppler effect in light.

Reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, curved mirrors, lenses, mirror and lens formulae.

Dispersion in prism, absorption and emission spectra. The human eye, defects of vision, magnification and resolving power of telescope and microscope, “e” and “e/m” for and electron, Einstein’s photoelectric equation, photocells.

Bohr model of the atom, Hydrogen spectrum, composition of nucleus, atomic masses and isotopes, radioactivity, laws of radio active decay, decay constant, half life and mean life, mass energy relation, fissions, X – ray, properties and uses.

Elementary ideas of conductor, semi conductor and insulator, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, p-n junction as a rectifier. Bar magnet, lines of force, torque on a bar magnet due to magnetic field, earth’s magnetic field, tangent galvanometer, vibration maganetometer.

Coulomb’s law of electrostatic, dielectric constant, electric field and potential due to a point charge, dipole, dipole field, Guass’s law in a simplegeometrics.

Electrostatic potential, capacitance, parallel plate and spherical capacities in series and parallel, energy of a capacitor.Electric current, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoffs laws, resistances in series and parallel temperature dependence of resistance, Wheat stone bridge, potentiometer. Measurement of voltage as currents.

Electric power, heating effects of currents, chemical effects and law of electrolysis thermoelectricity Blot Savart law, magnetic fields due to a straight wire circular loop and solenoid.

Force on a moving charge in a magnetic field(Lorentz force), magnetic moment of a current loop, effect of a uniform magnetic field of a current loop, forces between two currents, moving coil, galvonometer, ammeter and voltmeter.

Electromagnetic induction induced e.m.f., Faradays law, Lenz’s law, self and mutual inductance alternating currents, impedance and reactance, growth and decay of current in L – R circuit, elementrary idea if dynamo and transformer.



Structure of atom: constitutions of nucleus: Bohr’s atom model: quantum numbers Aufbau principle, electronic configuration of elements (upto Kr): De – Broglie relation, shapes of orbitatis.

Chemical bond: electrovalent, covalent and coordinate bonds, hybridisation(sp): hydrogen bond: shapes of molecules( VSEPR theory): bond polarity, resonance, elements of VBT a MOT.

Solutions: models of expressing concentrations of solutions: types of solutions, Raoult’s law of colligative properties, non – ideal solution, abnormal molecular weights.

Solid state: crystal lattices, unit cells, structure of ionic compounds: close packed structure ionic radi, imperfections (point defects): properties of solids.

Nuclear chemistry: radio active radiations: half – life, radioactive decay, group disp lacement law structure and properties of nucleus: nucleus reaction, disintegration series artificial transmutation: isotopes and their uses:radiocarbon dating.

Chemical equillibrium: chemical equillibrium, law of mass action: Kp and Kc: Le Chatelier principle and its applications. Ionic equilibrium in solutions, solubility product, common ion effect, theories of acids and base hydrolysis of salts: PH: buffers.

Thermochemistry and thermodynamics: energy changing due to chemical reaction: instrinsic energy en thalpy, first law of thermodynamics: Hess’s law heats of reactions: second law of themodynamics: energy free energy: spontaneity of a chemical reaction: free energy change and chemical equilibrium: free energy as energy available for useful work.

Chemical kinetic: rate of a reaction, factors affecting the rates, rate constant rate expression, order of reaction, first order rate constant expression and characteristics, Arrhenous equation.

Electrochemistry: oxidation, oxidation number and ion – electron method s. Electrolytic conduction, Faraday’s law: voltaic cell, electrochemical theory of corrosion. Surface chemistry, colloids and catalysis: Adsorption, colloids (types preparation and properties), Emulsions, Micelles, catalysis types and characteristics.


Principle and metallurgical operations: furnaces, ore concentration, extraction, purification metallurgies of Na, Al, Fe, Cu, Ag, Zn and Pb and their properties. Chemical periodicity s.p.d and f – block elements, periodic table: periodicity: atomic and ionic radii valency, ionization energy, electron affinity electro negativity, metallic character.

Comparative study of elements: comparative study of following families of elements 1. Alkali metals 2. Alkaline earth metals 3. Nitrogen family 4. Oxygen family 5. Halogens 6. Noble gases.

Transition metals: electronic configuration of 3d metal ions, oxidation states, other general characteristics properties, potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate.

Co – ordination compounds: simple nomenclatu re, bounding and stability, classification and bonding in organometallics. Chemical analysis: chemistry involved is simple inorganic quilitative analysis: calculations based on acid base titrimetry.


Calculations of empirical and molecular formula of organic compounds, menclature of organic compounds, common functional groups isomerism structure and shapes of alkanes, alkanes and benzene.

Preparation properties and uses of alkynes, alkynes, benzene petroleum, cracking octane number , gasoline additives.

Nomenclature, physical chemical properties, correlation of physical properties with structure properties and uses of heloalkanes, halobenzenes,alcohols and phenols: general ideas of some polyhalogen compounds vizdicholorothanes dichlo roethers, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride D.D.T benzene hexachloride.

Nomenclature, methods of preparation, chemical properties correlations of physical properties with structures and uses of elhers aldehydes, ketones,corboxylic acids and their derivative s, brief account of the chemistry of cyanides isocyanides, amines and nitro compounds.

Polymers: classification: preparation and uses of common natural and synthetic polymers.

Bio – molecules: classification, structure and biological importance of carbohydra tes amino acids, peptides, proteins and enzymes, nucleic acids and lipids.



Structure organisation of cell, cell theory . Light and electron microscopic view of cells. structure and functions of cell organalles : nucleous mitochondria, Chloroplast, Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex lysosome, micro bodies, microfilaments ribonsomes. Centrioles and plasmids, Eukaryotic chromosome (morphology) cell and plasma membrane. Difference between cell and animal division, cell cycle significance of mitosis and meiosis.

Mendel’s law of inheritance, monohyobrid and dihybrid cross; linage and crossing over of genetic material DNA relication, genetic code transcription, translation and gene regultion.

Difference between prokaryote and eukaryotes : structure reproduction and economic importance of viruses Mycoplasma, Bacteriophage, cynobacteria (Nostoc) and bacteria.

Five kingdom classification binomial nomenclature: external morophology and life cycle of spirogyra mucor, funaria selaginella and pinus.

Elementary knowledge of microsporogenesis, megasporongenesis. Fertilization endosperm and embroyo development in angiosperms.Tissue and tissue systems, meristematic and permanent tissue, mineral nutrition essential elements and their functions: uptake of minerals transport of water and solutes.

Transpiration photosynthesis and respiration: importance, mechanism, and factors affecting this process: photorespiration. Enzymes and growth hormones with reference to their classification, chemical nature, mode of action importance. Elementary idea of photoperiodism and phytochrome.

Ecosystem – structure and function, major ecosystems i.e lake and forest; food chain., food web and energy flow, ecological crises role of man in polluting environment – air water and soil.

Role of plants in human welfare: general knowledge of plant products of economic value drugs, fibers, cereals.

Wheat and rice, pulses (gram), oilseeds(groundnut), sugarcane, coal, and petroleum, Food preservation methods, and importance.

Principle of plant breeding and its role in the improvement of crops, biotechnology, scope and importance in agriculture and industries manufacture of cheese. Yogurt alcohol antibiotics.



– Structure and function of animal tissues epithelial, connective muscular, skeletal, and nerve.

– Histology of mammalian organs – stomach, intestine, liver, kidney, lung, testes, and ovary.

– Structure and physiology of different organ systems of the human body. Skin, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system, reproductive system.

– Skeleton, joints, muscles on the basis of movement receptors.

– Endocrine system with special reference to various endocrine glands of man and hormonal coordination.

– Vitamins and minerals ( source and disorders due to deficiencies).


– Female reproductive cycle in mammals. Gametogenesis along with the structure of sperm and ovum. Types of eggs, fertilization, types of cleavage and blastula, development of mammals up to three germinal layers. Foetal membrane structure and functions in mammals.

– Growth, repair, aging, amniocentesis.

– Chromosomes, types of chromosomes, human karyotype and chromosomal abnormalities and syndromes, hormonal, chromosomal and genic balance theory of sex determination, sex linkage and sex-linked inheritance in man, blood group and their significance, blood bank.

– Tissue culture, genetic engineering( brief idea), mutation gene mutation.

– Human population natality mortality, sex ratio population, explosion, dynamics of human life with respect to the food supply, housing health, and standard of living impact of population problems and their control.


– Classification – binomial and trinomial nomenclature, basic features of classification, classification of different animal phyla up to classes with characters and suitable examples.

– Origin of life, theories of organic evolution – Darwin, Lamarck, synthetic evidence of organic evolution, human evolution. – Economic zoology/sericulture, apiculture, lac culture, poultry, fishery, and pearl industry.

– Protozoan disease in relation to man, insect carrying diseases in relation to man. – Cancer types of cancer and cancer cell communicable diseases (Hepatitis, AIDS). STD, immune response, vaccines, and antisera allergies. – Smoking, alcoholism, and drug addiction, symptoms, and control.

– Wild conservation.

– Pesticides – users, advantages, and hazards.


  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Vocabulary items inculding synonyms and antonyms, word formation, Prefixes, Suffixes.
  3. Grammar and usage :
    • Articles and determiners.
    • Agreement between the subject and the verb.
    • Time and tenses.
    • Prepositions and phrasal verbs.
    • Auxiliaries including modals.
  4. Transformation of sentences.
    • Voices : active and passive.
    • Narration : direct and indirect.
    • Degrees if comparison
    • Sentences types : Affirmative, negative and interrogative.
  5. Common errors.
  6. Spelling (the British pattern of spelling will be followed)

Exam Pattern for MP Vyapam PNST 2021

  • The Exam Will be Written Objective Type (CBT).
  • Questions will be in the form of Multiple Type Choice Questions (MCQs).
  • The Exam Will be of 150 Marks.
  • Total Number of Questions in this Exam will be 150.
  • Time Duration for the Examination Will be 02 Hours.
  • The Question Paper Will be Bilingual i.e. Hindi & English.
  • There is no Negative Marking in this Exam for attempting the wrong answers.

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