Kerala PSC Beat Forest Officer Syllabus 2022: Kerala PSC BFO Syllabus 2022 with Exam Pattern is discussed here, Collect the Kerala PSC BFO Admit Card & Interview Call Letter to attend the written exam, the Kerala PSC Beat Forest Officer Exam Date & Exam Centre are important to avoid confusion at the time of test commencement. Verify the PBSSD Previous Model Question Papers here to take a practice exam by themselves. Detailed Scheme and Syllabus for written examination to the posts of Kerala PSC Beat Forest Officer listed. Keep visiting PuzzlesHuB to know the Kerala PSC Beat Forest Officer Recruitment 2022 latest updates.
Organization Name | Kerala Public Service Commission |
Post Name | Beat Forest Officer |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | OMR Examination |
Job Location | Kerala |
Official Site | |
Kerala PSC Beat Forest Officer Syllabus 2022
General Knowledge
- Economy
- Current Events
- Books and Authors.
- Culture and Heritage.
- National & International events
- Kerala History, Culture & Heritage
- Literature
- Awards and Honours.
- Science and Technology
- Indian History
- World History
- Financial Issues in Country
- Indian Geography
- World Geography
- General Policy.
- Sports & Games.
- Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
- Disaster Management
- State of A.P. Earthquakes
- Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought
- Man-made disasters – Prevention strategies.
- Mitigation strategies / Mitigation measures.
Arithmetic Ability
- Time and Distance
- Partnership Business.
- The relation between Numbers.
- Percentages
- Time and Work.
- Numbers.
- Mixture and Alligation.
- Fractions.
- Square Roots.
- Interests.
- Discounts.
- Averages
- Decimals.
- Profit and Loss.
- Ratio and Proportion.
Mental Ability
- Space visualisation.
- Figural series.
- Classification.
- Figural classification.
- Semantic Analogy.
- Figural analogy.
- Figural Pattern
- Venn diagrams.
- Number Analogy.
- Coding and decoding.
- Problem-solving
- Number series.
- Symbolic Analogy.
- Space Orientation.
- Semantic series.
- Address matching.
- Semantic classification.
- Sentence Structure.
- Verb.
- Usage of words.
- Phrases & Idioms.
- Sentence Completion
- Grammar
- Jumbled sentences.
- Fill in the blanks etc.
- Synonyms and Antonyms.
- Vocabulary
- Spellings
- Error Detection.
General Science
- Source of Energy
- Renewable and Non-renewable sources,
- Wind energy,
- Hydro energy (TidesofOcean, Hydroelectric)
- Nonrenewable sources
- Fossil fuels
- Conditions for Combustion choice of a good Fuel
- Fuel-efficiency
- Nutrition of plants:-Photosynthesis factors affecting the photosynthesis
- Nutrition in animals: Ameba
- The digestive system of the human
- Respiration:-Respiration and Breathing Respiration
- prevention, and control of environmental problems
- Land, water, air, noise pollution, and accumulation of waste materials
- Biodegradable and Nonbiodegradable materials
- Living world:-life processes
- Nutrition
- Modes of nutrition: Autotrophic
- heterotrophic
Kerala PSC BFO Exam Pattern
We have given various links to Kerala PSC Beat Forest Officer Recruitment 2022 on the below page. Use the links to open the question papers and attend the exam yourself. Mostly the Kerala PSC BFO Exam Patterns are given in Multiple Choice Questions – Descriptive Type, so already answers given applicants need to choose the right answers. Just understand the questions and start comparing all the answers, based on the difference the correct answer will predict by the aspirants from their Kerala PSC Beat Forest Officer Exam Pattern preparation level. Soon start your preparation from here and end with the selection list from the result announcement. Keep rocking your studies to achieve your aims with your unlimited knowledge.
Name of the Subjects | Number of Marks |
General Knowledge | 35 Marks |
Mental Capacity and observation skills and Inspection | 5 Marks |
Forests and Forest Management | 15 Marks |
Forest Dependent communities and Forest products | 15 Marks |
Forest laws and regulations, forest punishment for crimes | 10 Marks |
Various activities in the forest and Human and wildlife conflicts | 10 Marks |
Protected Areas and Eco tourism | 10 Marks |
Total | 100 Marks |
Time Duration: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
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