Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Exam Syllabus 2023 ~ Exam Pattern

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The Indian Navy has recently released an employment notification in newspapers and on their official website,, announcing the recruitment of 362 Tradesman Mate (Group C) vacancies. Candidates who have been eagerly waiting for information regarding the Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2023, exam pattern, and previous question papers can now find all the relevant details on this page. Our team has provided a comprehensive explanation of the complete pattern to assist our readers who are applying for this post. This information will help candidates understand how to score more marks and achieve a suitable rank in the Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Examination, thus fulfilling their dream of securing a government job.

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2023 – Overview

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2023 & Exam Pattern PDF Download
Organization NameThe Indian Navy
Post NameTradesman Mate
Selection ProcessWritten Exam
Job LocationHeadquarters, Andaman & Nicobar Command

Download Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2023

Check out the detailed Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2023 topics given down here. Interested candidates can also download the Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Exam Pattern 2023 PDF which is given along with the Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2023 PDF. And, start the preparation accordingly. Candidates must complete the whole Navy Tradesman Mate Syllabus 2023 within time before the exam date approach and get ready for the examination.

General Intelligence and Reasoning

It would include questions related to Mathematical operations, Series, Odd One Out, Logical Venn Diagrams, Analogy, Word Based Problems, Problems Solving, Drawing Inference, Coding-Decoding, Non-Verbal Reasoning etc.

General English & Comprehension.

In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of English language, this test will also assess vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonymous, antonyms, Comprehension and its correct usage etc.

Numerical Aptitudes/ Quantitative Ability

This test will include question on problems relating to number systems, Time & Work,
Mensuration, Ratio and Proportion, Average, Profit and Loss, Discount, Percentage, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Statistical Chart, Trigonometry, Geometry etc.

General Awareness

The test will include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to sports, history, culture, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Economics, Current Events, General policy including Indian Constitution and Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require special study of any discipline.

Indian Navy Tradesman Mate Exam Pattern 2023

Name of the SubjectNumber of Marks
Part I: General Intelligence and Reasoning25
Part II: General English & Comprehension25
Part III: Numerical Aptitude/ Quantitative Ability25
Part IV: General Awareness25
Total100 Marks
Objective Type Questions

NOTE: The question paper will be bilingual in both English & Hindi (except for General English).

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