ICFRE Scientist B Syllabus 2021 PDF ~ Download Exam Pattern Here

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ICFRE Scientist-B Syllabus 2021 PDF – Download Exam Pattern Here!!!!ICFRE (Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education) has issued a notification for the position of Scientist B. Aspirants may get their Syllabus and Exam Pattern from this link. Begin studying for your upcoming assessment. Keep in touch with us for more information.

ICFRE Syllabus 2021:

Name of the BoardIndian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)
Name of the PostScientist B
Exam DateAnnounce Soon
StatusSyllabus Available

ICFRE Scientist-B Syllabus:

Cell structure and Function:

Cell wall and cell membrane, intracellular transport; Structural organization and functions of cell organelles; Cell division and cell cycle.

Biomolecules and Metabolism:

Structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids; Synthesis of
carbohydrate, glycolysis, HMP, citric acid cycle and metabolic regulation; Oxidative phosphorylation and substrate-level phosphorylation; Vitamins, hormones; Functional molecules, antioxidants, nutrient precursor, HSPs, anti-viral compounds. Enzymes, multienzyme complexes, immobilized enzymes and protein engineering, Analytical tools – NMR, HPLC.

Molecular Biology and Cellular Processes:

Organization and structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic of genomes; DNA structure and
properties; DNA replication, repair and recombination; Transcription, protein synthesis, regulation of gene expression at transcription and translation level; Role of chromatin, chromatin remodelling, gene silencing, epigenetic regulation.

Genetics, Phylogeny and Evolution:

Mendelian inheritance, codominance, incomplete dominance, gene interactions, pleiotropy, genomic imprinting, linkage and cross-over, linkage disequilibrium; sex-linked inheritance; Quantitative genetics and Polygenic inheritance; Population Genetics and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; Extrachromosomal inheritance; Gene concept- Allele, multiple alleles, pseudoalleles; Mutations; Structural and numerical alterations of chromosomes, – Deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation, ploidy and their genetic implications. Mutagens.

Tissue Culture:

Totipotency, tissue culture media, Plant regeneration pathways; tissue culture applications, commercial clonal propagation, NCS-TCP. embryo, Endosperm and Anther culture; Protoplast culture, somatic hybrids; Cell suspension culture, production of secondary metabolites, hairy roots and bioreactor technology.

Recombinant DNA Technology:

Gene cloning; In vitro mutagenesis and deletion techniques; PCR, RT-PCR and qRT-PCR;
Methods for analysis of gene expression, large scale expression, bioprocess engineering.

Molecular Breeding:

Molecular markers, Gene flow in plants; Marker-assisted selection, mapping populations, QTL and association mapping, Gene pyramiding; Mapping genes on specific chromosomes Tools for plant genetic engineering, RNA interference, Transcriptional gene silencing, Gene traps/ T-DNA and transposable element insertion/activation lines, genome editing. Genetic engineering for biotic and abiotic stress tolerance; Plant response to pathogens and herbivores, biochemical and molecular basis of host plant resistance, virology. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Biosafety regulations, PPV&FRA, legal implications.

Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics:

Genome sequencing, Taxonomic classification of organisms using molecular markers -16S rRNA typing/sequencing; Differential gene expression; Genotyping/SNP detection; Biological Databases, Computational analysis of sequences- finding genes and regulatory regions; Gene annotation; Similarity searches; Pairwise and multiple alignments; Alignment statistics; Prediction of gene function using homology, context, structures, and networks. Identification and analysis of proteins by 2D analysis; Tryptic digestion of protein and peptide fingerprinting; Mass spectrometry; tools for studying Protein-protein interactions, Protein interaction maps; Protein arrays-definition, applications- diagnostics, and expression profiling.

Research Methodology:

Research Methodology, types of research designs, sampling methods; Basic statistics- Measures of central tendencies, dispersion, uses of graphs and tables, software in statistical analysis, ANOVA, probability, types of errors in statistics, tests of significance, and sample size.

ICFRE Scientist-B Exam Pattern:

The question paper (bilingual – in English and Hindi) will have total of 100 objective type questions from relevant subjects carrying Max. Marks as 400, as below: –

Particulars of Question PaperNo. of
Max. Marks       Duration
Questions on relevant subject10040002.00 Hours

ICFRE Scientist-B Selection Process:

Candidates selection will be based on Competitive written examination and Interviews.

  • Written Examination:- 400 marks
  • Personal Interview – 70 marks

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) Scientist B Exam Pattern & Syllabus is given below go, through the topics, to have an idea of the difficult subjects. Then candidates can plan a schedule for their preparation as per the syllabus. Here is the Exam Pattern & Syllabus for Scientist B.

Download Detailed Syllabus PDF

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