HPCL Engineer Syllabus 2021 PDF – Download CBT Exam Pattern for Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation & Civil. Candidates who are searching for the latest HPCL Engineer Syllabus 2021 along with Exam Pattern can look into this page to download HPCL Engineer Syllabus in PDF format. However, the aspirants who applied for the HPCL Careers can check the details here. Let’s check the HPCL Syllabus for Project Engineer Posts 2021. We updated the topic-wise Syllabus and Exam Pattern for HPCL Recruitment below.
HPCL Engineer Syllabus 2021 PDF
Name of the Board | Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) |
Post Name | Engineers (E2) (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Civil) |
Vacancy | 200 |
CBT Date | Announced Soon |
Selection Process | Computer Based test, Group Task, Personal Interview |
Status | Syllabus Available |
HPCL Engineer Syllabus 2021:
The HPCL Engineer Syllabus PDF download link is available on this page for the reference of the candidates. They can also download the official notification to get an overview of the Syllabus as set by the Examination Committee at the Corporation. The table provided below gives the details of the subject-wise topics included in the HPCL Engineer Syllabus.
Quantitative Aptitude:
- Decimal Fraction
- Partnership
- Chain Rule
- Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M
- Banker’s Discount
- Compound Interest
- Simple Interest
- Races and Games
- Time and Distance
- Volume and Surface Area
- Numbers
- Time and Work
- Permutation and Combination
- Stocks and Share
- Allegation or Mixture
- Surds and Indices
- Ratio and Proportion
- Area
- Pipes and Cistern
- Height and Distance
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Average
- Logarithm
- Probability
- Boats and Streams
- Problems on Ages
- Simplification
Mechanical Engineering
- Thermodynamics
- Forming Processes.
- Metal Casting.
- calculus
- Fluid Mechanics.
- Engineering Materials.
- Probability & Statistics.
- Differential Equations.
- Turbo machinery.
- The Strength of Materials.
- Operations Research.
- Joining Processes.
- operations
- The design of Machine Elements.
- Refrigeration and air-conditioning.
- Theory of Machines.
- Engineering Mechanics.
- Tool Engineering.
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics.
- Vector Calculus.
- Numerical Methods.
Civil Engineering
- Water requirements
- Air Pollution
- Municipal Solid Wastes
- Surveying
- Structural Analysis
- Mechanics
- Concrete Structures
- Steel Structures
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- Hydrology
- Irrigation
- Noise Pollution
- Soil Mechanics
- Foundation Engineering
Electrical Engineering
- Basic Electronics Engineering
- Electrical Machines
- Power Systems
- Electrical and Electronic Measurements
- Electrical Materials
- Computer Fundamentals
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Systems and Signal Processing
- Power Electronics and Drives
- Electric Circuits and Fields
- Control Systems
Instrumentation Engineering
- Fundamentals
- Instrumentation
- Signals & Systems
- Electronics Instruments
- Analog Electronics
- Analytical, Optical & Bio-Medical Instrumentation
- Digital Electronic Circuits
- Electronics Circuits
- Microprocessors and Micro Computers
- Electrical Measurements
- Control Systems
HPCL Engineer Exam Pattern 2021:
The Corporation has provided the HPCL Engineer Exam Pattern PDF download for the Computer-Based Test. The test is divided into two parts. The first one deals with general subjects and awareness while the other tests the technical knowledge of the candidates based on their educational background. Here are some of the details that are provided as of yet.
Examination Pattern | ||
Position | Marks | Duration of Test* |
Engineers (E2) (Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Civil) | · General Aptitude – 85· Marks Domain – 85 Marks· Total – 170 Marks | 150 Minutes |
*For PwBD candidates, additional 20 minutes/hr will be given for Computer based test
Note: The Corporation reserves the right to change the pattern and the same shall be updated
Passing Criteria (As outlined in the Advertisement):
- Minimum qualifying marks in Domain section for all positions: 50% for all categories.
- Minimum qualifying Overall Marks (i.e. Domain + Aptitude) : 60% for UR/EWS & 54% (SC/ST/PwBD/OBCNC).
Download HPCL Engineer Syllabus 2021 PDF
Download HPCL Engineer Exam Pattern 2021

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