HARTRON DEO Admit Card 2023 Out ~ Get Hall Ticket

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HARTRON DEO Admit Card 2023 was released on October 9, 2023: To appear for the Haryana State Electronics Development Corporation (HARTRON) Data Entry Operator Exam, candidates must download the admit card from the official website at hartron.org.in. The HARTRON admit card contains essential information such as the candidate’s name, roll code, date, time, center name, venue, and other important details. According to the schedule, HARTRON will be conducting the DEO Exam for the vacant posts in October and November 2023. To find the DEO Admit Card for recruitment, this page provides complete details and a link for easy access.

Details of HARTRON DEO Admit Card 2023

Name of OrganisationHaryana State Electronics Development Corporation
Recruitment NameData Entry Operator (DEO)
Total PostsVarious
Exam DateOctober/ November 2023
Admit Card DateOctober 9, 2023
Official Sitehartron.org.in
Admit CardDownload Here
Visit SiteVisit Here

Steps to Download HARTRON DEO Admit Card 2023

You can follow the step-by-step process shared below on the page to get the HARTRON DEO Admit Card for Recruitment:

  1. First of all, visit the official website of HARTRON.
  2. Click on the “DEO Admit Card” tab on the menu bar.
  3. The click on “Login” button from the list.
  4. Enter your application number in the required section.
  5. Later, hit on the “Submit” link.
  6. Now, the DEO Admit Card will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Verify all the details given in the HARTRON Data Entry Operator Hall Ticket like your photograph, time, and venue.
  8. Finally, take a printout of the HARTRON DEO Admit Card for future use.

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