DEE Assam Recruitment 2023 ~ 5320 Teachers Vacancies

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DEE Assam Recruitment 2023. Director of Elementary Education, Assam invited Applications For the 5320 Teachers (Lower & Upper Primary School) Vacancies. The employment details about the posts, age limit, educational qualification, experience and other conditions are given below as a link. The candidates are requested to go through the details and ensure that they fulfil the minimum prescribed criteria before applying. Apply online from 17-02-2023 to 01-03-2023.

ArticleDEE Assam Recruitment 2023
CategoryLatest Government Jobs
Notice Released byDirector of Elementary Education, Assam
Name of PostTeachers (Lower & Upper Primary School)
No. of Post5320
Last Date01-03-2023

DEE Assam Recruitment 2023 Job Details :

  • Assistant Teacher of LP Schools: 3887 Posts
  • Assistant Teacher, Science Teacher: 1433 Posts

Eligibility Criteria :    

  • Educational Qualification :
  • For Assistant Teacher for Lower Primary School: Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known). OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations 2002. OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-Year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2-Year Diploma in Education (Special Education) and Passed in Assam TET for LPS, conducted by Elementary Education Department, Assam.
  • For Assistant Teacher (UPS): Graduate from the UGC recognized University and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education or B. Ed. or D. Ed. (Special Education) or B. Ed. (Special Education) and passed in Assam TET for UPS conducted by Elementary Education Department, Assam.
  • For Science Teacher (UPS): B. Sc. from the UGC recognized University and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education or B. Ed. or D. Ed. (Special Education) or B. Ed. (Special Education) and passed in Assam TET for UPS (Science and Mathematics) conducted by Elementary Education Department, Assam
  • For Assamese Language Teacher (UPS): Graduate from the UGC recognized University having Assamese as one of the subjects and a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education or B. Ed. or D. Ed. (Special Education) or B. Ed. (Special Education) and passed in Assam TET for UPS conducted by Elementary Education Department, Assam.
  • For Manipuri Language Teacher (UPS): Graduate from the UGC recognized University with Manipuri as one of the subjects and a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education or B. Ed. or D. Ed. (Special Education) or B. Ed. (Special Education) and passed in Assam TET for UPS conducted by Elementary Education Department, Assam.

Nationality: Indian

Age Limit: candidate must not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 40 years.

Selection Method: Merit List

DEE Govt Job Location: Assam 

How to Apply: Eligible candidates shall apply online on the official website of DEE, Assam, i.e. from 17-02-2023 to 01-03-2023

Important Dates to Remember:

  • Last Date For the Submission of Online Application Form: 01/03/2023

More Details For job information click the below link:

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