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IBPS Clerk Mains Targeted Puzzles
Puzzle 1
Six persons K, L, N, P, T and X are sitting around a round table facing towards the center of the table. Each of them likes to play different music instruments like Violas, Harpes, Drum, Cellos, Flutes and Clarinet but not necessarily in the same order. Each of them wears different color of hats– Red, Blue, Orange, Pink, Yellow and Green, but not necessarily in the same order.
The persons, who like to play Violas, Drum and Flutes, are neither wear Red nor Blue colored hat. Those, who wear Orange and Yellow colored hat, neither like Violas nor Drum. K neither wear Red colored hat nor is he on the immediate left of the one who likes to play Cellos. Only one person sits between T and X and likes to play Harpes. P likes to play Cellos and wear Orange colored hat, faces the person who plays Harpes. The one who likes to play Violas sits opposite to the one, who wear Green colored hat, while the one who wear Orange colored hat sits immediate left of the one, who likes to play Flutes. One who likes to play Clarinet sits immediate right of the one who wear Red colored hat but sits immediate left of the one who likes to play Drum. N does not like to play Drum while X does not like to play Violas.
Solution :
Puzzle – 2
In a republic day event, eight girls A, B, C, D, P, Q, R and S are standing in two concentric circles in such a manner that each member of the inner circle stands exactly opposite to the member of the outer circle. The members standing in the outer circle are P, Q, R and A and all of them are facing towards the centre while the members of the inner circle are S, B, C and D and they are facing away from the centre. Each of them likes a different singer, viz. E, K, G, L, Y, Z, F and M, but not necessarily in the same order.
D likes neither K nor Y and faces R, who likes neither Z nor M. The girl who likes F faces the girl who likes E. S, who likes L, faces the immediate neighbor of the girl who likes G. R stands second to the left of A. The girls who like Y and E are in separate circles. The girl who likes Z stands on the immediate left of A. Q, who does not like G, does not face S. The girls who like Z and M are immediate neighbours, and one of them faces B, who likes K. The girls who like F and L stand in the same circle but they are not immediate neighbours of each other.
Solution :
Puzzle 3
Eight family members I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P are living in an 8-floor building. Only one person stays on one floor. All persons sing different songs i.e. DISCO LIES, Blue, Star boy, Extreme ways, Roar, Freeek, Heathens and Titanium but not necessarily in the same order. And each person is playing different musical instruments viz. Dhol, TABLA, Harmoium, Sitar, Shehnai, Veena, SANTOOR and Tanpura, but not necessarily in the same order.
L’s maternal aunt does not live on the 8th or first floor. The person who plays Harmoium lives on the fifth floor. L’s grandmother plays Harmoium and L’s uncle plays Tanpura. K is the wife of I and she has only one child. The person who plays Harmoium does not sings Extreme ways. The person who sings Blue lives on an even-number floor. The person who sings Starboy is a brother of I. O is the sister-in-law of I. The person who plays Tanpura sings Starboy and does not stay on the fifth floor. The person who sings Freeek lives on the seventh floor. N is the father of J, who is the uncle of L. K’s father-in-law plays Dhol and lives on the sixth floor. The person who plays SANTOOR sings Roar and lives on the third floor. The person who plays Shehnai lives on the first floor. I’s child who sings Titanium lives on even-numbered floor. L’s grandmother has one brother. The person who sings DISCO LIES lives on the top floor. The person who plays Veena have K and L’s grandmother as his/her immediate neighbours. O plays Sitar and M’s husband’s brother-in-law plays TABLA. M is the mothser of I.
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Puzzle – 4
Five male scientist viz. Paul, Arya, Ram, Rob and Van are going on an expedition trip to the south pole. Each of the male scientist is accompanied by one female scientist viz. Fila, Jacki, Roxi, Pam and Foxy but not necessarily in the same order. Thus they are going in a group of two(a male and a female). Each group is carrying a particular brand of camping gear viz. P, Q, R, S and T but not necessarily in the same order. The ranking of each of these brands in terms of market share is different viz. 3rd, 5th , 6th , 4th and 9th .
Paul’s camping gear brand is neither R nor T and his brand is not ranked either 3rd or 5th. Jacki is accompanied by either Ram or Van. Ranking of Foxy’s camping gear brand is 5th but it is neither Q nor T. Fila is accompanied by Ram. Ranking of Roxi’s camping gear brand is 6th and her partner is one among Arya, Ram and Van. Ranking S is 3rd but Ram is not the one carrying it. P’s ranking is a multiple of 3 but it is not a carried by either Paul or Fila. Q brand is better ranked than T.
Solution :
Puzzle – 5
Ten persons are sitting in two parallel rows containing five persons each. In row 1, R, P, E, C and T are sitting and all of them are facing south. In row 2, B, S, Q, D and A are sitting and all of them are facing north. In the given seating arrangement, each member seated in a row faces another member of the other row. Moreover, each of them belongs to different political parties — Fighter, Rise, Rebellion, Groom, NOFA, BJC, MGTOW, PETA, PET and INP but not necessarily in the same order.
There are only two persons sitting between the person from Fighter, who sits at an extreme end, and T. B, who sits in the middle of the row, is not an immediate neighbour of S, who is not a person of INP. A is sitting at an extreme end. T, who is from NOFA, sits on the immediate right of the person from Rise and faces the immediate neighhour of S. Q, who is from Groom, is an immediate neighbour of the person from PET, who in turn faces the immediate neighbour of the person from NOFA. There are two persons between the persons from MGTOW and Rebellion. P is not from MGTOW. A is not from PETA. P is not sitting at the extreme left end. B is not from PET. There is only one person between E and C, who is from Fighter. D, who is from BJC, is an immediate neighbour of the person from INP and does not face the person from Rebellion.
Solution :

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