Daily Puzzle Questions (15-08-2020)

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Daily Puzzle Questions In English Practice Sets :

Daily Puzzle Targets :

Puzzle 1

Seven lectures are scheduled to be held in a week. There is only one lecture on each of the seven days of the week, starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.

Chemistry is taught either on Wednesday or on Saturday. Three lectures are scheduled to be held between Chemistry and English. Two lectures are scheduled to be held between English and Computers. Lecture on Physics is scheduled on the day which is immediately next to the day when a lecture on Biology is scheduled. Lecture on Psychology is scheduled to be held after Mathematics (not necessarily immediately after Mathematics). Lecture on Psychology is not scheduled for Saturday or Sunday. The lecture on Chemistry was held before the lecture on Physics.

Solution :

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Puzzle 2

Seven people, namely A, B, C, D, E, F, and G like seven different flowers namely Rose, Jasmine, Lily, Sunflower, Orchid, Marigold, and Daffodil but not necessarily in the same order. Each people also works in the same office but at a different department on the basis of experience namely Administration (ADMIN), Marketing & Sales, (M&S), Accounts (ACC), Production (PO), Quality Management (QM), Human Resources (HR), and Public Relations (PR), but not necessarily in the same order. Note: Each person has been allocated to a department as per increasing order of experience with the one in ADMIN being the least experienced whilst the one in PR Being the most experienced.

G likes Daffodil and has more experience than the one who likes Rose. Only one person has more experience than A. Only one person has less experience than F. B does not work in QM. The one who has less experience than F likes Sunflower. The one in HR likes Orchid. D has less experience than the one in the PO, but more experience than the one who likes Lily. E neither has the least experience than the one who likes Lily nor he works in QM. The one who likes Jasmine does not work in the PO. Only two people have more experience than the one who likes Rose.

Solution :

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Puzzle 3

L, M, I, J and K are five media reporters who are working in different countries. Two of them are working in Saudi Arabia, while the other three are working in different countries viz. SYRIA, Iraq and UAE but not necessarily in the same order. They are married to different persons viz. P, Q, R, S and T but not necessarily in the same order.

One of the person who is working in Saudi Arabia is married to T and the person working in UAE is married to S. Two of these five persons are working for BBC, while the remaining three are working for three different channels viz. RT, Al Jajeera and CNN but not necessarily in the same order. The person who is working in the UAE is the tallest in height while the female person who is working in Saudi Arabia is the shortest. The other person who is working in Saudi Arabia is a male and lies between the employees working in SYRIA and UAE height-wise. J is working in Saudi Arabia and he is married to T while K works for RT and is married to R. The employee working in SYRIA works for Al Jajeera and is married to P. M works for CNN. L works for BBC and she working in Saudi Arabia. The person who work in Iraq is shorter than the one who works for Al Jazeera.

Solution :

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