CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result 2020 Released ~ Download here

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CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result 2020 Released – Download here. CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result 2020: Central Selection Board (CSBC) has released the results of written examination for the recruitment of 11880 posts of constable. For the following stage physical examination, 5 times the candidates have been chosen from the post. Based on the Central Selection Board, the number of chosen candidates is 12, 64, 657. It is being told that physical examination might be carried out within the third week of July. The written examination was held on 12 January 2020 and 08 March 2020. The written test will not be the basis of the final merit list. The candidates for the physical examination have been selected on the basis of performance within the written examination.

CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result 2020
Board NameCentral Selection Board (CSBC)
Post NamePolice Constable
Exam date12-01-2020 & 08-03-2020
StatusResult Released
CategoryExam Results

Physical aptitude/proficiency test will be of total 100 marks. The final merit list will be made on the basis of the total marks obtained by the candidate in 3 events in physical qualification – running, high jump, and shot put. Scores of written examination will not be included in the final merit list.  More than 13 lakh applications were received for 11880 posts. 110 people were claimed on each post.

Download CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result 2020

Cut off Marks for CSBC Bihar Police Constable Result 2020

After the release of Bihar Constable Result authority released the cut off marks. Cut off marks are the minimum marks that you will have to score to clear the examination. So all those candidates who’ve scored more than cut off marks will be eligible for the following round. Candidates can check the minimum marks on the official portal after the results are released. Cut off marks are decided on the various factors like the total number of candidates, category of candidates, total number of vacancies, and so on. Here on this web page, we’ll update the cut-off marks when it is officially released.

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