BSF Water Wing Syllabus 2023 ~ Check Water Wing Exam Pattern

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BSF Water Wing Syllabus 2023, Exam Pattern Download @ For the preparation, the Border Security Force Water Wing Syllabus, Exam Pattern for Sub Inspector, Head Constable, and Costable of various jobs are crucial. Any applicant who has not read the BSF Water Wing Syllabus will be unable to answer the questions and may get a score below the minimum required. As a result, PuzzlesHuB included the syllabus topics and the official BSF Water Wing Exam Pattern in the advertisement. Job seekers should adhere to it and study each subject topic thoroughly in order to succeed in the exam.

BSF Water Wing Syllabus 2023 Information

Name Of The OrganizationBorder Security Force
Post NamesWater Wing (Sub Inspector, Head Constable, Constable)
Number Of Posts127
Qualification10th/ Inter/ ITI/ Diploma/ Engineering
Selection RoundsWritten Test, PST, PET, Trade Test, Document Verification, Medical Examination

BSF Water Wing CT Crew General knowledge & Awerness Syllabus 2023

Sr No.Syllabus
01करंट अफेयर्स (घटनाएँ पड़ोसी देश) (Current Affairs)
02सामान्य विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी (General Science & Technology)
03भारतीय संविधान (Indian Constitution)
04भारतीय इतिहास (Indian History)
05भारतीय संस्कृति (Indian Culture)
06भारतीय भूगोल (Indian Geography)
07सामान्य राजनीति (General Politics)
08खेल: चैंपियनशिप/विजेता/खिलाड़ियों की संख्या (Sports)
09सामान्य ज्ञान से संबंधित अन्य विविध मुद्दे (Other misc. issues related to General Knowledge.)

BSF Water Wing CT Crew Reasoning Ability Syllabus

Sr No.Syllabus
01कोडिंग और डिकोडिंग (Coding & Decoding.)
02श्रृंखला (संख्या और अक्षर) (Series (number)
03चित्र वर्गीकरण सोंचने की क्षमता (Alphabet (position based)
04संबंध अवधारणाएँ। (Relationship concepts.)
05दूरी और दिशाएं (Distance & directions.)
06दृश्य स्मृति (Arithmetic)
07सर्पिल अभिविन्यास (No. series.)
08तर्क की अन्य बुनियादी अवधारणाएँ (Other basic concepts of reasoning.)

BSF Water Wing CT Crew Numerical Ability Syllabus

Sr No.Syllabus
01मूल बातें (2X2) (3X3) गुणन) वर्ग (Basics (2X2) (3X3) multiplications) squares.)
02मिश्रित अंश (Mixed fractions.)
03औसत (Averages)
04प्रतिशत (Percentages)
05समय और कार्य (Time & Work)
06साधारण ब्याज, चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (Simple interest, compound interest)
07साधारण क्षेत्रमिति (Simple mensuration.)
08लाभ और हानि, छूट, अनुपात (Profit & loss, Discount, Ratio)

BSF Water Wing Exam Pattern 2023

SI (Master, Engine Driver, Workshop)

Serial NumberSubjectsNumber Of QuestionsTotal MarksExam TypeQualifying Marks
1General Knowledge and Awareness2525ObjectiveUR, EWS, and OBC are 35% and SC/ ST is 33%
2Reasoning Ability2525
3Numerical Ability2525
4Trade Awareness2525

HC (Master, Engine Driver, Workshop), Constable Crew

Serial NumberSubjectsNumber Of QuestionsTotal MarksExam TypeQualifying Marks
1General Knowledge and Awareness3535ObjectiveUR, EWS, and OBC are 35% and SC/ ST is 33%
2Reasoning Ability3535
3Numerical Ability3030

BSF Water Wing Syllabus in Hindi PDF Download Link

BSF Water Wing Syllabus in Hindi PDFClick Here
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