BPSC AE Final Result 2020 Released – Download for Mechanical Assistant Engineer. Bihar Public Service Commission has announced the final result for the post of Assistant Engineer. Candidates who should attend the Doc Verification for Mechanical AE can download the result now. The Doc Verification/Interview was efficiently carried out on 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020. For this DV process, a result PDF is given in our article. Candidates can know your result in our post and know additional details regarding this BPSC AE Final Result 2020 on this web page.

Board Name | Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) |
Exam Name | Assistant Engineer |
Exam Date | 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020 |
Vacancy | 96 |
Cayegory | Exam Results |
Status | Final Result Released |
BPSC AE Final Result – Mechanical
How to download BPSC AE Result 2020?
Step 1: Go to Official Site
Step 2: In the Official Page, Click Final Results: Assistant Engineer, Mechanical Competitive Examination. (Advt. No. 03/2017)
Step 3: It will direct to that page and download the PDF
Step 4: Now know the final result of AE and other details of the post
Step 5: Take a hard copy for future reference
Selection Process:
Candidates will be selected on the basis of Preliminary Examination, Final Examination, and Interview
Bihar Public Service Commission has scheduled the Interview on 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020 for the selected candidates of Final Examination. So candidates can download the result PDF and know further details regarding this post in our blog.
BPSC AE Final Result 2020 Cut off Marks:
Bihar Public Service Commission has going to release the cut off marks and merit list for the selected candidates. Merit list will be prepared with the Prelims, Mains, and Interview marks of the candidate. The List is released in the order of merit according to the category wise. The commission will release the merit list to select the candidates for this post.

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