Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 Released @ | BSEB Matric Exam Result: Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) has declared the BSEB 10th Class Results at their official site. The officials announced the results for the 10th/ Matric exams on 26th May 2020 at 12 pm. Earlier, the officials had conducted the Bihar 10th Class Exams from 17th February 2020 To 24th Feb 2020. For the sake of the students, we had given a direct link to check the Bihar Board Matric Result. Mainly, we have updated the link to check the BSEB 10th Result at the end of this article. Students get ready with your login details to check the Result. More details about Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 provided in the below section.

Board Name | Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) |
Class Name | 10th/ Matric |
Exam Date | 17th To 24th February 2020 |
Results Release Date | 26th May 2020 |
Category | Board Exam Results |
Mode Of Results Declaration | Online |
Location | Bihar |
Official WebSite | |
Bihar Results Portal | |
Details Present On Bihar Board 10th Result 2020
After the declaration of results, students have to check the details and marks available.
- Name of the Board
- Class Name
- Exam Name
- Student Name
- Roll number
- List of Subject Names
- Subject Code
- Marks in Each Subject – Theory Exams
- Practical Exam Marks
- Total Grade
- Final Status
How to Check Bihar Board Matric Result 2020 :
Following are the steps to check Bihar Board 10th result 2020:
1. Search for BSEB official website @
2. Click on the link “Result” followed by X and XII Results 2020.
3. Enter roll code and roll number/name on the screen.
4. Submit the details, click the “Find Results” button.
5. The provisional mark sheet along with the result will appear on the screen.
6. Finally, download and take the printout for future reference.

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