LIC AAO Prelims Result 2023 Out ~ Scorecard, Cut off, Merit list

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Thousands of applicants who registered for the exam are eagerly awaiting the LIC AAO (Assistant Administrative Officer) Result 2023. Candidates can verify their results by entering their roll number, registration number, and birthdate on the LIC’s official website, where the result is likely to be announced. A scorecard containing the candidate’s name, roll number, category, sectional, and overall marks as well as their qualifying status will be made available as the LIC AAO Result 2023.

The first or second week of March 2023 is scheduled for the release of the LIC AAO Prelims Result 2023 for the preliminary exam. Candidates can access their results using the login information they received during registration. Here, we’ll give you a direct link to your LIC AAO Prelims 2023 Result.

LIC AAO Result 2023 Overview

Article TitleLIC AAO Result 2023
Examination NameLIC AAO Examination 2023
Conducted byLIC 
Post NameAssistant Administrative Officer)
CategoryResult update 
LIC Assistant Administrative Officer Result 2023Click Here
Official Website

How to check the LIC AAO Prelims Result 2023?

Step-by-step instructions to download and check the result of LIC AAO 2023 Prelims are as follows.

  • Go to, the official website of the Life Insurance Corporation Of India. 
  • Find an option for the Careers and hit on this option to get redirected to another webpage.
  • Now, an option of the Recruitment of Assistant Administrative Officer 2023 will be before you, tap on it.
  • In the end, you have to provide valid login credentials such as Registration Number and Date Of Birth and then hit the Submit button to check the result.

Details Required To Check LIC AAO Result

The following details will be required to check your LIC AAO Prelims Result 2023.

  • Roll Number/Registration Number
  • Date of Birth/Password

Details Mentioned on LIC AAO Result 2023

  • Applicant’s Name
  • Registration Number
  • Applicant Roll Number
  • Exam Name
  • Category (ST/ SC/ BC & Other)
  • Post Name

LIC AAO Cut Off 2023

The number of applicants who appeared for the examination, the difficulty level of the exam, the average number of attempts made by applicants, etc. are just a few of the factors that impact the LIC AAO Cut Off. The LIC AAO Prelims Exam is a qualifying examination, and the results are not used to decide final merit.

LIC AAO Score Card 2023

The LIC AAO Prelims Score Card will be made available on the official website of the Life Insurance Corporation of India along with the results. Candidates will be able to see their overall score as well as their sectional score on the LIC AAO Score Card.

LIC AAO Salary- Job Profile

Following are the roles and responsibilities of a LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) are as enlisted below-

  1. The LIC Assistant Administrative Officer is responsible for creating new plans and reviewing both old and new policies.
  2. LIC Assistant Administrative Officer has to supervise and file claims and settlements of the customers.
  3. Rendering assistance and coordinating with the respective other departments as well.
  4. maintaining friendly relationships with customers, interacting with them, and providing solutions to their inquiries.
  5. Completing tasks on time, as assigned by the higher departmental authorities.
  6. Inspection of existing facts and pointing out factual errors.

LIC AAO Salary 2023

Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has revised the salary for Assistant Administrative Officer posts with the release of LIC AAO Notification 2023 for 300 posts. Every year, lakhs of candidates race to take advantage of this job opportunity largely because of the LIC AAO Salary, which attracts graduate aspirants. Every employee of LIC AAO is eligible to receive a number of benefits and allowances, which are all included in the salary. The pay for the LIC Assistant Administrative Officer has been thoroughly covered in this article. in addition to all the perks and allowances offered to LIC AAO Officers.

LIC AAO Salary Structure 2023

LIC AAO Salary Structure 2023 (Revised)
Basic PayRs. 53,600
Special AllowanceRs. 4,500
DARs. 21,500
HRARs. 3,752
Transport AllowanceRs. 1,960
Gross SalaryRs. 85,612
Deduction (PF/Income Tax/Professional Tax/Pension)Rs. 10,561
Net SalaryRs. 75,051

LIC AAO Salary 2023 Deduction

LIC AAO Salary Deduction 
NEW GIRs. 137/-
MediclaimRs. 200/-
GISRs. 3,050/-
GTISRs. 241/-
DCPSRs. 6,933/-
Total DeductionsRs. 10,561

LIC AAO Cut-Off 2019

Check the previous year’s LIC AAO Cut off marks for Prelims & Mains from the below table for both sectional & category cut off marks.

 LIC AAO Cut Off 2019- Prelims

Category Reasoning AbilityQuantitative AptitudeEnglish LanguageOverall Cut off
General 18181058
SC 1616950

LIC AAO Cut off 2019- Mains

Check the section-wise & category-wise LIC AAO Cut Off for Prelims Exam 2019 below. 

CategoryReasoning AbilityGeneral Knowledge, Current AffairsProfessional KnowledgeInsurance and Financial Market AwarenessEnglish LanguageOverall Cut off
ST 40.0027.0040.0027.009.00156

LIC AAO Cut off 2019- Final Cut off

LIC AAO Cut-off 2019 has been provided below separately for the personality test and final cut-off. The final cut-off was prepared on the basis of marks scored by the candidates 

Category & Overall Cut offInterviewFinal Cut off (Mains & interview)

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