CBSE Remaining Board Exams 2020 Of 10th & 12th FAQ Released :
1. I am a student of Class XI (to be promoted to class XII). I have been detained in Class 11 in school because my academic result was not good. But some of my friends have been directly promoted based on their earlier results.
Ans. – 1. All schools are advised to promote students of grades 9 and 11 to the next grades on the basis of all the school-based assessments including project work, periodic tests, term exams, etc. conducted so far.
2. For any child who is unable to clear this internal process, (in any number of subjects), the school may utilise this period for providing remedial interventions, and school may give the opportunity of appearing in school-based test/s, online or offline. The promotion of such children may be decided on the basis of such tests.
3. Schools need to follow the instructions issued by CBSE. This applies to all the schools in India and Abroad.
2. Clause 5 of CBSE Press release dated 1.4.20 notifies that the Board has decided to not hold any more exams for the students of class 10 and 12 schools located outside India. As this would directly affect students associated with over 250 schools abroad, what will happen to the results of class XII students?
Ans. – As per the information available, schools have been closed for a long period in Middle East Countries and in Kuwait till 3rd August,2020. Similarly, schools in Iran, Japan, Nigeria, etc are also closed. Conducting exams is not a one-day process.
It requires time to deliver papers, transport for evaluation, process results, etc. In such circumstances, if exams are conducted after 3rd August, then future of college admissions of all the students will be at stake.
Therefore, the CBSE will prepare results of all students in CBSE schools located outside India, for all the subjects that the students had registered for based on certain objective criteria. CBSE will also issue passing documents as per practice for future use.
3. What is the promotion policy for Classes 1 to 8?
Ans. – All students studying in classes 1 to 8 may be promoted to the next
class/grade. This advisory was issued in consultation with NCERT.
4. What is the promotion policy for Classes 9 to 11?
Ans. – Students of grades 9 and 11 are to be promoted to the next grades on the basis of all the school-based assessments including project work,
periodic tests, term exams, etc. conducted so far.
5. When will the remaining Board Examinations be conducted?
Ans. – With regard to rescheduling board examinations for classes 10 and 12, it is informed that at this stage it is difficult for the Board to decide and announce the new schedule for examinations.
6. When are the exam dates likely to be released?
Ans. – At this stage and in the prevailing situation, it is difficult for the Board to decide and announce the new schedule for examinations. The Board will give notice of about 10 days to all stakeholders before starting the Board examinations.
7. Is it possible not to take remaining Class 10th/12th Exams as the final result may be prepared based on Pre-Board/Mid-term Examinations already conducted by respective schools?
Ans. – CBSE is fully committed to protect the interest of all of its students and decide the best possible strategies. As far as result is concerned, as mentioned, the instructions for marking/assessment shall be separately issued by the Board.
8. Can school conduct online verbal examination as an opportunity to the students?
Ans. – Spread of Covid-19 and lockdown as a preventive measure is a very rare conditions faced by almost all the countries in the world. In such extreme situations, innovations in examinations are quite welcomed.
You can find more such queries in the official FAQ pdf attached below. Click on the given link to download the CBSE Exams FAQs 2020 PDF.
Click Here For CBSE Frequently Asked Questions On Board Exams 2020 PDF
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