Here You Will Get Important The Hindu Vocab Lists For Exams Like IBPS PO, Clerk, IBPS RRB, CGL, CHSL, State Level tests, Other Exams and so forth. PuzzlesHuB provides you 10 new vocab words daily From The Hindu Editorial on the daily regular schedule which will profit you in the upcoming assessments. The Hindu Editorial vocab list is a booster and important part of learning and understanding the English language. It will sure improve your reading skills and marks in exams like SSC / Bank Po / Bank Clerk / SBI JA / SBI PO other Competitive Exams. We collect daily top 10 vocabulary words used regularly from the hindu newspaper.
The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Wordlist 26 December 2019
1. FORETHOUGHT (NOUN): (पूर्व विचार): precaution
Synonyms: wariness, prudence
Antonyms: carelessness, carefree
Example Sentence:
Cooking dinner for vegetarians requires plenty of forethought if you usually prepare meat with your meals.
2. PREOCCUPY (VERB): (तल्लीन होना): engross
Synonyms: involve, employ
Antonyms: distract, eject
Example Sentence:
She was obsessed in the process.
3. BOOM (NOUN): (धमाका): loud sound
Synonyms: explosion, bang
Antonyms: failure, collapse
Example Sentence:
When the truth became known regarding the mines a wonderful ” boom ” began.
4. RAPT (ADJECTIVE): (हर्षोन्मत्त): delighted
Synonyms: ecstatic, enthralled
Antonyms: unhappy, sorrowful
Example Sentence:
She was a rapt person.
5. RELEGATE (VERB): (सुपुर्द करना): assign
Synonyms: consign, entrust
Antonyms: keep, hold
Example Sentence:
Sugandha would often relegate herself to doing chores in the kitchen while everyone else enjoyed the party.
6. REFURBISH (VERB): (पूरी मरम्मत करना): fix up
Synonyms: modernize, overhaul
Antonyms: break, damage
Example Sentence:
As an artist, I am always searching flea markets for junk that I can refurbish.
7. RUSE (NOUN): (चाल): feint
Synonyms: trick, deception
Antonyms: honesty, frankness
Example Sentence:
The security guard knew the girls were going to try and use a distractive ruse in order to shoplift.
8. SUPPLE (ADJECTIVE): (लचीला/सहज में झुकनेवाला): flexible
Synonyms: elastic, agile
Antonyms: awkward, unpliable
Example Sentence:
It is important to stretch before exercise to keep a supple form.
9. JUNK (NOUN): (कचरा): garbage
Synonyms: debris, rubble
Antonyms: neatness, sterility
Example Sentence:
All his emails were gone to the junk.
10. TRIAL (ADJECTIVE): (प्रायोगिक): experimental
Synonyms: exploratory, preliminary
Antonyms: definite, proven
Example Sentence:
It was in a trial session.

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