Suman Scheme 2021 ~ Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan Apply

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Suman Scheme 2021 Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan Apply: The government Of India launches different schemes for the welfare of the countrymen at regular intervals. Though everyone should be aware of these schemes whether you are the beneficiary of the scheme or not because if you are preparing for the competitive exam then it might be the one marks question for you. So, here in this article, we will tell you about Suman Scheme.

Name of the schemePradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)
CategoryScheme/ Campaign
Concerned MinistryMinistry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India
Year of Introduction2016
Official website
Volunteer RegistrationClick Here
Toll free number1800-180-1104
Download mobile applicationClick here

What Is Suman Scheme?

Suman is an abbreviation for Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA). This scheme is launched by the union government as its name suggests this scheme is to offer quality healthcare to pregnant women, new mothers, and newborn children at zero cost. The main aim of launching this scheme is to progress in reducing maternal mortality.  The scheme was launched on 10 October 2019 by Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan. 

Facilities Under Suman Scheme 2021

As we stated above that the main of this scheme is to offer medical facilities to pregnant ladies and newborn babies. After registration in Suman Scheme, the women will become eligible to get many facilities offered by the government. Under this scheme, the pregnant ladies of APL and BPL families are covered. To offer the best medical facilities and consultation to pregnant ladies this scheme was launched. Now the pregnant ladies and 0 to 6 months old newborn babies can avail themselves of all the required medical facilities free of cost. All the required medical tests during the pregnancy will be done by the government free of cost.  

Pregnant ladies will get free transportation from the hospital before and after delivery from the hospital to their place. Along with this, the newborn babies will get the monthly care visit at their home. All the services offered by the government under this scheme are at zero cost. Whether the delivery of pregnant ladies will be normal or C-Section the hospitals that come under this scheme cannot demand any kind of fee.  In case any hospital or staff will not support the lady or a newborn then the ‘No Tolerance’ policy will be applicable to the concerned persons.

Suman Scheme 2021 Features

The main features of this scheme are as follows;

  • Under this scheme, pregnant women or newborn babies are entitled to get several free services at public health facilities.
  • The free health services include at least four antenatal check-ups.
  • Minimum one check-up in all three trimesters of pregnancy is a must and it will be free of cost.
  • Along with this, the beneficiaries will be entitled to at least one checkup under Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan, Iron Folic Acid supplementation, Tetanus, Diptheria injection, and other components of comprehensive ANC package and six home-based newborn care visits.
  • In this scheme zero expense access will be given to the lady to identification and management of complications during and after the pregnancy.  
  • The scheme will also ensure the required and respectful care with privacy and dignity.
  • The lady after the delivery will get early initiation and support for breastfeeding.
  • The newborn will get zero dose vaccination and free and zero expense in case of any sickness.

Why Suman Scheme Was Required

In India, we already have civil hospitals and now the government has also launched the Ayushmaan Yojna then why Suman Scheme is launched. The answer to this obvious question is to offer the best services to pregnant women, new mothers, and newborn babies.

Though the country has a civil hospital in every district but still in many states the pregnant lady has to deliver the baby at home. The biggest reason for this practice is the lack of transportation and poverty. When a lady is in labor she needs to be in a clean place and needs professional help. The local dai’s or untrained ladies cannot offer the required medical help to the lady.

After reading about the scheme now you must have understood that this scheme is for pregnant ladies and newborn babies. No expense policy helps both the lady and the baby surety of good health and quality of care to the mothers and newborn babies.

PM Suman Yojana 2021

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the quality of care for mothers and newborns can be defined as “the extent to which health care services provided to individuals and patient populations improve desired health outcomes. In order to achieve this, health care must be safe, effective, timely, efficiently integrated, equitable, and people-centered.”

The data of the government of India shows that the maternal mortality rate in India has declined from 254 per 1,00,000 live births in 2004-06 to 130 in 2014-16. In short to understand the data we can say that between 2001 and 2016, the infant mortality rate came down from 66 per 1,000 live births to 34. The figures are motivating and appreciating the work of the government and the health ministry.

Eligibility Criteria For Suman Scheme

Here are the eligibility criteria were to apply for the SUMAN scheme:-

  • All pregnant women from all categories and BPL and APL are eligible to get the benefit of this scheme.
  • Newborns from 0 to 06 months old are also eligible for the scheme.
  • After delivery, the lactating mothers up to 6 months of delivery will also be able to avail of the benefits of the scheme.

Health Facilities Under The Scheme

We have already described the different facilities the government is offering to women and newborn kids. Here have a look at the health facilities provide to women and babies in the rural and urban areas under the Suman scheme:-

In Rural Areas

  • Primary Health Centers
  • Community Health Centers
  • Rural Hospitals
  • Sub-District Hospital
  • District Hospital
  • Medical College Hospital

Urban Areas

  • First Urban Dispensaries
  • Second Urban Health Posts
  • Third Maternity Homes

How To Register For Suman Scheme 2021

The Suman Scheme was introduced in 2016 and until now it has been implemented in all the states of the country. All the civil hospitals of all the districts have been instructed to follow the instruction of the Health Ministry. The scheme has been already implemented on the women and the babies that come in the eligibility criteria. To avail of the facilities of this scheme, you need to visit the civil hospital in your area.

The Bottom Line

The Suman Scheme is launched to improve the maternal mortality rate and infant mortality rate. The scheme is the need of the hour as in villages still the women have to deliver the baby at home due to lack of facilities and money. With this scheme now the medical facilities will be available to all pregnant women of the country irrespective of their financial condition.

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