Puzzle – 91 (HIGH) (Comparison + Table Based)

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Five male scientist viz. Paul, Arya, Ram, Rob and Van are going on an expedition trip to the south pole. Each of the male scientist is accompanied by one female scientist viz. Fila, Jacki, Roxi, Pam and Foxy but not necessarily in the same order. Thus they are going in a group of two(a male and a female). Each group is carrying a particular brand of camping gear viz. P, Q, R, S and T but not necessarily in the same order. The ranking of each of these brands in terms of market share is different viz. 3rd, 5th , 6th , 4th and 9th .

Paul’s camping gear brand is neither R nor T and his brand is not ranked either 3rd or 5th. Jacki is accompanied by either Ram or Van. Ranking of Foxy’s camping gear brand is 5th but it is neither Q nor T. Fila is accompanied by Ram. Ranking of Roxi’s camping gear brand is 6th and her partner is one among Arya, Ram and Van. Ranking S is 3rd but Ram is not the one carrying it. P’s ranking is a multiple of 3 but it is not a carried by either Paul or Fila. Q brand is better ranked than T.

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