Puzzle – 80 (HIGH) (Month Based)

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Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H attend their exams on two different days of the four different months viz., August, September, October and April in the same year. Only two persons are attending their exams on each month but none of the two persons are attend their exams on the same numbered date. They all attend the exams on different subjects namely English, Hindi, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Economics but not necessary in the same order. No two persons attend the exams in the same month on both odd or both even numbered dates.

Only three persons attend exam between the one who attends Zoology exam and H, who attends in the month of August. G attends the exam on last day of the month, which has even number of days. Only two persons attend their exams between G and the one who attends Physics exam. E attends Chemistry exam immediately before the one who attends the Botany exam and both of them attends their exams on the same month. H and E does not attend their exams on the same month. E attends one of the days before the one who attend Physics exam. A attends the exam on 21st of the any month which is immediately after the one who attends the Physics exam. The one who attends Maths exam attend the exam after A and only 16 days between their exams. B attends the exam on the date which is a perfect square of a odd number but not on before 10th of the month. As many persons attend the exam before B is same as after D. D does not attend the Botany exam.Only 18 days between the one who attends the Botany exam and E.The one who attends the Economics exam immediately after C.One of the persons attend the exam on 17th of any month. Only eight days between H and the one who attends the Hindi exam.The one who attends the English exam attends 24th days after the one who attends the Economics exam.

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