Nine boxes namely – A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R and S are kept one above other. Each box contains different articles viz. Pen, Ring, Cup, Ball, Book, Laptop, Toy, Watch and Calculator. Each box is wrapped with different colored paper viz. Black, Blue, Green, Yellow, Brown, White, Red, Pink and Orange. All the given information is not necessary in same order.
Box Q which contains Watch is kept at a gap of three boxes from one which is wrapped with Blue paper. Only one box is kept between box that contains Watch and box C. Only three boxes are kept between box C and the one that contains Ring, which is kept at top. Box which contains Toy is neither kept adjacent to the one which contains Laptop nor kept at bottom. The box which contains Book and box C, which doesn’t contain Pen are kept adjacent to each other. Box A is wrapped with Yellow paper is kept at a gap of three boxes from the one which is wrapped with Green paper. Box S, which is neither kept adjacent to box Q nor with the one that contains Book, but it is kept at a gap of three boxes from the one which contains Pen. Box that contains Pen and Calculator are kept adjacent to each other. Only four boxes are kept between the one which contains Pen and the one which is wrapped with Red paper. Only two boxes are kept between the one that contains Ball and the box which is wrapped with Black paper. The box wrapped with Green paper is kept just above box D which contains Laptop. Box that wrapped with Brown paper is not kept at bottom. Box that contains Cup kept just below one wrapped with White paper. Box E, which is neither wrapped with Pink nor white paper is kept at any place above box R, which is kept at a gap of one box from box B. Number of boxes between E and R is same as number of boxes between box P and one which wrapped with Orange paper. Box P neither wrapped with Brown paper nor contains Books. Box which wrapped with Pink paper is kept at any place above box wrapped with Orange paper. Box which contains Toy and one wrapped with Brown paper is kept adjacent to each other.
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