Eight persons from three different generations of a family A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a row. Some of them are facing north and others are facing south. Not more than two people facing same direction are sitting together. There are three married couples. They were born on the same day of the same month of different year i.e.2001, 1983, 1985, 1953, 1957, 1982, 1987 and 2005 but not necessarily in the same order. Their ages are considered as on the same month and day of 2017 as their date of births. The distance (in meters) between two people is a successive multiple of 12 And the distance between two people increased from left to right.
E is the daughter of C. A is the sister of F. The distance between immediate neighbours of any two people should not be greater than 144m and less than 48m. D is two years elder than her sister-in-law. A is 312m away from F who is the third eldest person in a family. H faces north and sits third to the right of her son in law. Persons sit at the two extreme ends face same directions. Number of persons sits to the left of H is two less than that of number of person sits to the right of B. B who is not a married person, sits 288m away from the eldest person. Only one person sits to the left of H’s son in law. D is wife of F and Mother of B. G has two children. G is married to H. A faces south direction and sits second to the right of B. E was born in 2005 and sits at one of the extreme ends. H’s daughter in law is an immediate neighbour of F and B. G and C are immediate neighbours. A’s father sits second to the right of E and A’s father is not C. A is not born in 1985. Immediate neighbours of D belong to same gender. A’s age is half the age of D’s mother-in-law.
Solution :

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