Puzzle – 34 (Moderate) (Month Based)

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Dear Aspirants, Our PuzzlesHuB team always try to give you the best content of new pattern puzzles for Banking Exams so the Aspirants can practice Daily Quality Wise Puzzles. All the Puzzles question provide here according to the real exam level which makes your preparation effective.

7 books are stacked one above the other in such a way that the box at the bottom is numbered 1 and the top most box is numbered 7. These books are of different subjects – Biology, English, Hindi, Literature, Maths, Punjabi and Science. Each book has a thickness – 11mm, 22mm, 33mm, 44mm, 55mm, 66mm and 77mm. These are covered by different coloured papers – Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Pink, Red and Violet.

There are 2 books between Violet and Blue coloured books. Biology book is placed at top of the stack having thickness 77mm and is covered by pink paper. There are 2 books between Science and book having 11mm thickness. The science book is placed above book having 11mm thickness. 1 book is placed between Hindi and book having 44mm thickness. Hindi book is placed somewhere above 44mm book. Punjabi book is placed somewhere below the book having 55mm thickness. There are 2 books between Punjabi and book having 55mm thickness. The book having 33mm thickness is placed immediately above book having 55mm thickness, which is covered by violet paper. The book covered by a black paper is placed at the bottom of the stack. There are 2 books between English and Literature. Literature book having 22mm thickness is covered by Green paper. The science book is kept immediately above Literature book.

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