Puzzle – 316 (LoW) (Box Based)

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Nine boxes – A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I are arranged one above another in different shelves numbered 1 to 9 from bottom to top. The lowermost shelf is numbered as 1 and the shelf above 1 is numbered as 2 and so on. All the information is not necessary to be in the same order.

Box F is placed at one of the position below Box E in an even numbered position. Box D is two places above E. Number of boxes above E is as same as the number of boxes below C. Box C is placed at one of the position below E. Three boxes are placed between Box G and I. Box B is placed above A but below H. Not more than three boxes are placed between Box G and Box H. The shelf number and the place value of the alphabet of the box placed in the shelf are not same in any shelves. (E.g. Place value of Box C in alphabet series is 3; so box C is not placed in the shelf numbered 3).

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