Puzzle – 217 (LoW) (Day Based)

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Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, U and V attend seven different exams viz., Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Botany, Zoology, English and Computer on seven different days of the same week starts from Monday to Sunday but not necessary in the same order.

Only two persons attend the exams between the one who attends English exam and R, who attends the exam before Thursday but not on the first day of the week. The one who attends the Physics exam attend immediately after Q. As many persons attend the exams after the onewho attend the Physics exam is same as before V, who does not attend the exam on Thursday. Q does not attend the English exam. R does not attend the Physics exam. Only one person attends the exam between V and the one who attend Chemistry exam. Three persons attend between S and the one who attends Maths exam. U attends one of the days before the one who attends the Maths exam. Only one person attends the exam between T and the one who attends the Zoology exam. T does not attend Computer exam.

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