Puzzle – 174 (LoW) (Floor Based)

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Eight couple are living in eight different floors in an apartment. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are male members married to A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are female members.The lowermost floor numbered one its above floor numbered two and so on till top most floor numbered eight. All the given information is not necessary to be in the same order.

V is married to A. B is living in floor number 6. S is living in floor number 4. Only two people lives between T and D. F is living immediately above T and she is not married to P and R. Only two people lives between H and F. Only three people lives between E and D.V does not live any floor above H. Only two people lives between P and Q, who does not live any floor above W.R is neither married to G and B.U does not live in floor number 6. G is not married to T.

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