Puzzle – 122 (LoW) (Box Based)

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Ten boxes A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T are kept one above another in a stack. The stacks are numbered as the bottom most stack is numbered 1, the above one is numbered 2 and so on the topmost stack is numbered 10.

Only four boxes are kept between the box E and T, which is kept at one of the odd numbered position but not at the bottom most. The box B kept above the box E. Only two boxes are kept between the box A and the box B, which is kept above A. The box B does not kept at odd numbered position. As many boxes kept above the box A is same as below the box R, which is does not kept at topmost position. The box C is kept immediately above the box R.As many boxes kept between R and Q is same as kept between A and D. Neither the box Q nor D is kept at the topmost or the bottommost position. The box D does not kept at the odd numbered position. Not more than one box kept between the box A and the box P.

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