OPSC Junior Assistant Syllabus 2023 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: If you have been looking for the OPSC Junior Assistant Syllabus 2023, you have come to the right place. This page provides all the necessary information about the Odisha PSC Group C Syllabus 2023 for applicants who have applied for the Junior Assistant post. In addition to the syllabus, you can also find details about the OPSC Junior Assistant Exam Pattern 2023. To make it even more convenient for candidates, we have included a direct download link for the OPSC Junior Assistant Exam Syllabus 2023 & Exam Pattern in the last section of this page. Simply click on the link and access the syllabus and exam pattern without any hassle.
OPSC Junior Assistant Syllabus 2023 – Details
OPSC Junior Assistant Syllabus 2023 & Exam Pattern PDF Download | |
Name of the Organization | Odisha Public Service Commission |
Posts Name | Junior Assistant Group C |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Odisha |
Official Website | opsc.gov.in |
OPSC Junior Assistant Syllabus 2023 PDF
1. Language Test (English & Odia)
A. English Language Test
- Verbs: Tenses, Modal, Active and Passive voice, Subject-verb concord, non-finite verb forms (infinitives and particulars).
- Sentence Structure: Connectors, Types of Sentences, Types of Phrases and Clause, Direct & Indirect speech, Comparison.
- Other Areas: Determiners, Pronouns, Prepositions.
- Unseen passage (400-450 words in length) with a variety of comprehension questions including vocabulary.
- Essay writing on familiar topics (within 250 words).
- Letter Writing (Personal letter, applications, Business, and Official) (within 150 words).
B. Odia Language Test
- Transformation of sentences ( Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, Simple, Compound, Complex).
- Transformation of words (noun to adjective and adjective to noun).
- Sandhi
- Samasa
- Antonyms and Synonyms
- Correction of common errors in words
- Idioms and Phrases
- Taddhita and Krudanta
- Punctuation marks.
- Essay writing on familiar topics and personality (within 250 words)
- Letter Writing (Personal letter, applications, Business and Official) (within 150 words).
- Translation (One English passage of around 100 words to be translated into Odia.
Comprehension of an unseen passage.
Five short questions to be asked.
2. General Knowledge
In this category there should be a series of questions of different categories like:-
- Matching Historical events with dates, personalities, and places.
- Geographical facts with places.
- States, Countries, and Institutions with headquarters.
- Books and authors.
- Scientific facts and discoveries with dates, persons and uses.
- Current events with places and personalities, and
- Matching questions of miscellaneous type.
3. Mathematics
- Fractions and Decimals
- Percentage
- Average
- Simple Interest and Compound Interest,
- Rates and Taxes, Insurance,
- Profit, Loss, and Discount,
- Mixtures
- Partnership,
- Problems on Time and Work,
- Problems on Time and Distance
- Ratio and Proportion
- Statistics
4. Basic Computer Skills
a. MS Windows: Introduction of Windows,
b. MS Office: MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Excel & MS Access.
5. Practical Skill Test: Topics for practical test
I. WINDOWS operating system.
To test some of the following basic system operations on file/ folder(s):
- Create, Rename, Copy/ Cut/ Paste, Delete.
- Using Clipboard.
II. MS Word.
A paragraph in MS Word incorporating some of the tools given below to be tested during the examination.
- Editing and Formatting test and paragraph.
- Page and Paragraph Setup.
- Inserting pictures and Word Art.
III. MS PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint presentation with 2/ 3 slides using some of the tools given below to be tested during the examination.
- Editing and formatting slides.
IV. MS Excel.
A problem in the spreadsheet related to some of the tools given below to be tested during the examination:
- Formatting Cells and data.
- Functions & Formulae (Relative, absolute and Mixed reference).
V. MS Access
A problem in MS Access related to some of the tools given below to be tested during the examination:
- Creating and entering data into a database.
- Setting the primary key.
OPSC Junior Assistant Exam Pattern 2023
- The standard of the examination shall be equivalent to that of Higher Secondary Examination.
- Those who will qualify for the written test shall be called for the practical skill test.
- The practical skill test shall be of qualifying nature.
- There will be negative marking in Paper II & III (objective type) for wrong answers i.e. @25% of the allotted mark to a particular questions.
Written Test
Papers | Subjects | Maximum Marks | Time |
Paper-I | Language Test (English & Odia) | 100 marks | 2 Hours |
Paper-II | General Knowledge (Objective) | 100 marks | 1 Hour |
Paper-III | Mathematics (Objective) | 100 marks | 3 Hours |
Basic Computer Skills (Objective) | 100 marks | ||
Total Marks | 400 Marks |
Practical Skill Test
Subjects | Maximum Marks | Time |
Basic Computer Skills | 50 marks | 1 Hour |

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