IBPS SO Prelims Result Out 2019-20

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IBPS SO result 2019 for prelims has been released at this time. Candidates can check IBPS SO prelims result 2019 on the official web site of IBPS, ibps.in. IBPS conducted IBPS SO prelims examination on December 28 and December 29, 2019, in multiple shifts on-line.

Prelims was the first phase of the recruitment process. Total marks of the IBPS SO prelims was 125 which consisted of 150 questions. IBPS made the question paper available in both Hindi and English for the candidates. IBPS took slightly more than one week to publish the results of IBPS SO 2019.

Important Dates: IBPS SO Result 2019-20

IBPS SO Result Dates 2019-20
Prelims Examination28-29 December 2019
Prelims Exam Result7th January 2020
IBPS SO mains admit cardJanuary 2020
Mains examination25 January 2020
Download interview call letter/Mains resultFebruary 2020
Interview DateFebruary 2020
Provisional AllotmentApril 2020

How to Check IBPS SO Result 2019 for Prelims:

Candidates have to follow the steps given below to check particular person results-

Step 1: Go to the official web site of IBPS, ibps.in.

Step 2: Click on on ‘IBPS SO Prelims Result 2019’ link accessible on the top of the home web page.

Step 3: Login using your respective login credentials to check the result.

Step 4: Particular person result will appear on the display, check the result and download it.

Step 5: Keep a hard copy of the IBPS SO prelims result on your own reference.

All of the candidates who’ve cleared IBPS SO prelims are eligible for IBPS SO mains. Prelims examination goals to screen candidates for IBPS SO mains. Scores obtained in IBPS SO prelims examination will not be considered while preparing the final merit list, SO prelims is just qualifying in nature. IBPS SO mains is going to be conducted on January 25, 2020, at various centres throughout the country. After IBPS SO mains examination, successful candidates will be called for interview. The final merit list will be prepared by aggregating the marks obtained in IBPS SO mains and IBPS SO interview.

Click Here to Check IBPS SO 2019-20 Prelims Result

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