Daily Puzzle Questions (12-12-2019)

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Here you will get 2 to 5 Puzzle Questions from Monday to Friday. Daily Visit PuzzlesHuB to solve these puzzle questions on daily basis to improve your score in reasoning section. All the Puzzles provided here are good quality puzzles and based on real exam level. If you like these puzzles & want us to continue provide you quality puzzles, please share our website with all your Aspirants friends.

IBPS Clerk & LIC Assistant Mains Targeted Puzzles

Puzzle 1

Nine persons namely, B, G, M, N, O, P, Q, T and X are seated in a straight line having ten seats, five of them are facing towards south direction while four of them are facing towards north direction. One seat is vacant in the line. Each of them likes different flowers viz. Daffodil, Lily, Orchid, Lotus, Daisy, Marigold, Sunflower, Tulip and Rose, but not necessarily in the same order.

G sits third to the left of P, who likes Lily. The one who likes Daisy sits at the extreme end of the row. Neither X nor M sits at the extreme end of the line and none of them likes Marigold. There is one vacant space between G and O. One of the immediate neighbor of N faces in the opposite direction to N and another one likes Daffodil. The immediate neighbors of P face opposite direction and none of them likes Marigold. O is the only neighbor of B, who faces to the south and likes Rose. T sits second to the left of X, whose immediate neighbor likes Marigold. N faces in the same direction as P and sits third to the left of T, who likes Orchid. Q is not an immediate neighbor of G. Q doesn’t face towards south. Sunflower is liked by the person who sits to the immediate left of G and faces in the opposite direction as T.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 2

Eight friends namely, A, B, C, E, W, X, Y and Z lives in eight different floors of the same building, but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor is numbered 1, second floor as number 2 and so on up to the floor number 8. Each of them visited a mobile store in different months of the same year, starting from January to August, following the order as the person who is living at the topmost floor has visited the store in the month of January, the person living at 7th floor visited the store in February and so on. So that, the person living at lowermost floor visited the store in August. Each of them bought different mobile phones viz. Oppo, Lava, Motorola, HTC, Vivo, Karbonn, Oneplus and Micromax, but not necessarily in the same order.

X lives at an odd number floor just below C, but not at the lowermost floor. Z bought Vivo but not in any of the month before the month of April and lives at an even number floor. Lava is not bought by either E or W. A visited the mobile store in the month of February. The one who bought OnePlus lives immediately below the floor on which the one who bought Karbonn lives. Neither X nor C bought Karbonn. Only one person lives between E and A. Neither W nor B visited the mobile store in the month of March. Oppo is bought by the person who visited the store before March. HTC is purchased just after Oppo. B neither bought Motorola nor Lava and visit the mobile store after the month in which W visits the store. Only one person lives between the person who bought Micromax and Motorola. Y did not buy Lava.

Solution :

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Puzzle 3

Ten people i.e. G, H, I, J, K, P, Q, R, S, and T are seating on two parallel rows. P, Q, R, S, and T are seating in row 1 and facing towards north. G, H, I, J, and K are seating in row 2 and facing south. They like different musical instrument Guitar, Piano, Violin, Saxophone, Drum, Flute, Tuba, Harp, Sitar, and Trumpet (not necessarily in same order).

R likes Trumpet and sits at extreme end. Immediate neighbour of R faces the one who likes Saxophone. Immediate neighbour of G faces P, who likes Tuba. T doesn’t sit at the middle of the row. The one who faces P sits second to the right of K who likes Flute. The one, who likes Guitar sits extreme end. Q does not like Violin. T likes Drum and doesn’t sit just near to both P and R. Neither H nor J sits at extreme end. J faces the one who likes Sitar and Q faces the one who likes Piano. G sits second right of the one who faces the immediate neighbour of R.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 4

Six friends H, M, N, Q, R and S are sitting around the circular table but not necessarily in the same order. Three of them are facing towards the center while rest of them are facing outside the center. Each of them likes different brands of lady’s bags viz. Da-Milano, Kara, Caprese, Lino-Perros, Lavie and Baggit, but not necessarily in the same order.

S sits second to the left of R. N sits opposite to the who likes Lino Perros. Q faces outside the center and doesn’t like Kara. H doesn’t like Da-Milano. H sits immediate right of N, who doesn’t like Lino-Perros. Two people sits between H and the one who likes Lavie. The one who likes Da-Milano is not an immediate neighbor of R. The one who sits second to the right of Q likes Lavie.The one who likes Caprese sits opposite to M. Neither S nor N likes Da-Milano. The one who likes Baggit sits second to the left of the one who likes Da-Milano.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 5

Eight persons G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N are sitting around a rectangular table in such a way that four of them sit at four corners, who are facing towards center, and rest four who sits at the middle of the side, are facing outside. They like different numbers i.e. 16, 7, 21, 51, 25, 14, 34 and 13.

G sits at the corner and likes the number which is less than 20. Only two persons sits between G and K. J who likes 21 sits second to the left of M. Difference between the number G likes and the one who sits immediate right of G is one. M does not face outside. The one who likes 34 sits second to the right of N. Only one person sits between L and H who likes 51. The one who likes an odd number greater than 20 sits third to the left of J. I likes an even number. N sits third to the right of M. L likes a prime number.

Solution :

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