Daily Puzzle Questions (10-10-2019) (IBPS PO Pre)

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Here you will get 2 to 5 Puzzle Questions from Monday to Friday. Daily Visit PuzzlesHuB to solve these puzzle questions on daily basis to improve your score in reasoning section. All the Puzzles provided here are good quality puzzles and based on real exam level. If you like these puzzles & want us to continue provide you quality puzzles, please share our website with all your Aspirants friends.

IBPS PO And IBPS CLERK Targeted Puzzles

Puzzle 1

Ten persons are sitting in two parallel rows with equi distance from each other and facing one person in a row to another person in another row. In row-1, A, B, C, D and E are sitting and they are facing south while in row-2, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting and they are facing north. They like different colours viz., Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink, White and Black but not necessary in the same order.

Only two persons are sitting between Q and the one who likes Black. The one who likes Green sits second to the left of the one who faces D and either of them sits at extreme ends of the rows. The one who likes Red sits immediate left of the person who faces R. R is not an immediate neighbour of the one who likes Green. Only two persons are sitting between the one who likes White and the one who likes Red. The one who likes Indigo sits second to the left of the person who faces A. Only one person sits between Q and the one who likes Indigo. Only one person sits between B and the one who likes Yellow. P faces the person who likes Yellow. The one who likes Pink faces the person who sits second to the right of T, who does not sit at any extreme ends of the row. As many persons sitting between T and the one who likes Violet is same as between E and the one who likes Orange. E does not like Pink. Q does not like Green.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 2

Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are born in seven different days of the same week starts from Monday to Sunday. They all like different chocolates viz., Milky Bar, BarOne, Kit-Kat, Snickers, Munch, Galaxy and 5 Star but not necessary in the same order.

Only two persons are born between the one who likes Snickers and G, who does not born after Wednesday. The one who likes Snickers does not born in Thursday. The one who likes BarOne was born immediately after B. As many persons born after the one who likes BarOne is same as born before the one who likes 5 Star. B does not like Snickers. Only three persons are born between A and the one who likes Kit-Kat. C was born immediately before the one who likes Kit-Kat. The one who likes Munch was born immediately before F. More than three persons are born between F and the one who likes Galaxy. As many persons born between C and the one who likes 5 Star is same as born between D and the one who likes Galaxy.

Solution :

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Puzzle 3

Ten boxes A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T are kept one above another in a stack. The stacks are numbered as the bottom most stack is numbered 1, the above one is numbered 2 and so on the topmost stack is numbered 10.

Only four boxes are kept between the box E and T, which is kept at one of the odd numbered position but not at the bottom most. The box B kept above the box E. Only two boxes are kept between the box A and the box B, which is kept above A. The box B does not kept at odd numbered position. As many boxes kept above the box A is same as below the box R, which is does not kept at topmost position. The box C is kept immediately above the box R.As many boxes kept between R and Q is same as kept between A and D. Neither the box Q nor D is kept at the topmost or the bottommost position. The box D does not kept at the odd numbered position. Not more than one box kept between the box A and the box P.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 4

A certain number of persons are sitting in a straight row facing north.

K sits third to the right of V. Only four persons are sitting between S and K.B sits sixth to the right of T, who is third from the extreme end. B is an immediate neighbour of S. Only three persons are sitting between B and Z, who is not an immediate neighbour of V. More than seven persons sitting between Z and K.Not more than six persons sitting to the right of S. K does not sit at any extreme ends of the row.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 5

A certain number of boxes are kept one above the other in such a way that the box at the bottom is numbered 1 and the one above it is numbered 2 and so on. Each box is of a different color. More than 1 empty box is placed in the arrangement.

Box U is not placed at the top. A is placed below T but above S. Brown coloured box is placed immediately above the Red coloured box. Neither S nor R is silver coloured. Box W is not red coloured. Brown box is placed immediately below the box S. Silver coloured box is placed at the top. An equal number of boxes are kept between P and Q as there are in between R and S. More than 7 boxes can be kept between Q and silver coloured box. Box Q is green coloured. There are 5 boxes between P and the silver coloured box. Box T is white colored. Blue coloured box is placed above Brown colored box. The box which is of white color is placed between R and the topmost box. Box P is placed immediately above the Red colored box. Boxes that can be placed above P are 1 more than boxes that can be placed below P. Yellow colored box is placed at the bottom. An equal number of boxes are kept between T and A as in between R and U. Box A is pink colored. Only Mustard and Magenta colored boxes are placed between A and P. One of the box placed is V. Box Y is yellow colored.

Solution :

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