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IBPS Clerk Mains Targeted Puzzles
Puzzle 1
Seven persons – Q, B, W, D, E, F and G live on seven different floors (numbered 1 to 7) of a building but not necessarily in same order. Each one of them like different colors, namely Red, Blue, Green, Black, Yellow, Orange and White (but not necessarily in same order). All of them decided to visit a particular place with their family on seven different days of a week starting from Monday to Sunday.
Q lives on an odd numbered floor but not on floor numbered 3. The one who likes yellow color lives on floor immediately above Q. Only two persons live between the one who likes yellow color and D. The one who likes green color lives immediately above W. The one who likes Yellow visited the place on one of the days before Thursday. The one who likes blue color lives on an odd numbered floors on one of the floors above D. B lives on one of the floors above E. Only three persons live between W and the one who likes blue color. The person who visited the place on Friday likes red Color. The one who likes red color lives on floor immediately above the one who likes white color. G lives on an odd numbered floor. E does not like green color. D visited the place on Sunday. Only one person lives between the floors of B and E. Neither of Q or W likes black color. The one who visited the place on Wednesday visited the place immediately after the one who likes blue color. The one who likes green color visited the place immediately before the one who lives on floor no 3. Two persons live between the floor no 4 and the person who visited the place on Wednesday. The one who visited the place on Wednesday is not W.
Solution :
Puzzle 2
9 students of a class – Ena, Gazal, Jones, Nick, Rajat, Rohan, Sam, Sonu and Sudhir appeared for 10th board examination. They got different marks in Mathematics(out of 100) and different percentage in total. They got different position based on their marks in totality.
A) The student who got 1st and the last position (i.e. 9th) got 98% and 38% respectively.
B)Rohan got 79% marks in total but 56 in Mathematics.
C)Jones got a position higher in comparision to Rohan.
D)Ena got 62% marks in total, more than that of Sudhir, who got 78 marks in Mathematics.
E) Sudhir got a higher position than Sam but lower than Jones by scoring 51% marks.
F) Sonu got 41% marks but his marks in Mathematics is same as Ena’s percentage in total.
G)Difference between marks in Mathematics of Sudhir and Gazal is 29.
H)Sam got a position higher than Sonu.
I) Nick got third position in the class scoring 83% marks.
J) Jones got 95% marks in total but scored 66 marks in Mathematics.
K)Rajat got a position higher to that of Nick and Ena.
L) The topper got 86 marks in Mathematics.
M) Gazal got a position lower to that of Sonu and Sam.
N)The person who got 3rd position in the class got 100 % marks in Mathematics.
O)Difference between Sam’s and Rohan’s marks in Mathematics is 4.
P) Ena scored only 35 marks in Mathematics.
Q)One of the student got 46% marks.
Solution :
Seven persons L, M, N, O, P, Q and R attend the seminar in a week starting from Monday to Sunday. Each one of them reads different types of newspaper The Hindu, Financial Express, Times of India, Deccan chronicle, Economic times, Hindustan times and The Indian express but not necessarily in the same order. Person name starts with consecutive alphabet does not attends the seminar on consecutive days. E.g. If L attends the seminar on Tuesday, then M does not attend the seminar immediately before or after L.
O attends the interview after Thursday. More than three persons attend the interview between O and the one who reads the Hindu. Q attends the seminar immediately after the one who reads the Hindu. Only one person attends the seminar between P and the one who reads Financial express. Only one person attends the seminar R and the one who reads Times of India. The one who reads Times of India attends the seminar after R. Two persons attend the seminar between N and the one who reads Economic times. O does not read economic times. M attends the seminar immediately before the one who reads Economic times. Less than two persons attend the seminar between M and the one who reads Hindustan times. Neither R nor O reads Hindustan times. Two persons attend the seminar between the one who reads Deccan chronicle and the one who reads Hindustan times. R and Q do not read Deccan chronicle. O does not read the Indian express.
Solution :
Puzzle 4
Seven persons K, R, P, T, L, M and B attend the meeting in a week starting from Monday to Sunday. Each one of them works in different company SBI, BOB, IDBI, ICICI, RBI, IDFC and BOM but not necessarily in the same order.
P attends the meeting neither on first nor on last day. Three persons attend the meeting between P and the one who works in SBI. More than three persons attend the meeting between the one who works in SBI and the one who works in IDFC. Number of person attends the meeting before M is one more than the number of person attends the meeting after R. R neither works in IDFC nor works in SBI. M attends the meeting before R. More than two persons attend the meeting between B and the one who works in BOM. B attends the meeting before P. R does not work in BOM. L works in BOB. Less than two persons attend the meeting between L and T. Only one person attends the meeting between T and the one who works in IDBI. K does not attend the meeting on last day. T does not work in RBI.
Solution :
Puzzle 5
Seven persons J, L, R, S, T, Y and Z attend the lecture in a week starting from Monday to Sunday. Each one of them is in different age 17, 23, 21, 36, 34, 25 and 18 but not necessarily in the same order.
The one who attends the lecture on Monday is 2 years younger than the one who attends the lecture on Friday. Three persons attend the lecture between J and the one whose age is 18. J attends the lecture before the one whose age is 18. Z’s age is twice that of S’s age. S attends the lecture before Thursday. Z does not attend the lecture on last day. More than three persons attend the lecture between L and T. T attends the lecture after L. Age of T is not an odd number. J’s age is multiple of 3. Age of Y is an even number. Y does not attend the lecture immediately after R. R does not attend the lecture on last day. The one who attends the lecture on Saturday age is not a square number. Z does not attend the lecture immediately after T. T does not attend the lecture on Saturday.
Solution :

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