Daily Puzzle Questions (05-09-2019)

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Here you will get 2 to 5 Puzzle Questions from Monday to Friday. Daily Visit PuzzlesHuB to solve these puzzle questions on a daily basis to improve your score in the reasoning section. All the Puzzles provided here are good quality puzzles and based on the real exam level. If you like these puzzles & want us to continue to provide you quality puzzles, please share our website with all your Aspirants friends.

Beginner Level

Puzzle 1

Six lecturers – Bhavesh, Atul, Sumit, Akshay, Kartik, and Mohan will visit a college from 18th September to 24th September to give lectures but not necessarily in the same order. There is a Sunday in between and no visit is scheduled on Sunday. Each of the lectures has different time duration: 30 mins, 45 mins, 60 mins, 75 mins, 100 mins, and 120 mins, again not necessarily in the same order.

24th September is not Sunday and a lecture of 30 mins is scheduled on that day. Bhavesh’s lecture is for less than 60 mins and is scheduled immediately before Kartik’s lecture. There are two lectures scheduled between Mohan’s lecture which is for 120 mins and Sumit’s lecture which is for 60 mins. Kartik’s lecture is before Sunday and there are two days between Sunday and Bhavesh’s lecture. Akshay’s lecture which is for 75 mins is not scheduled for 18th September. The lecture scheduled on Saturday is of 120 mins.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 2

Eight friends-A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H from eight different countries-India, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Portugal, France, Uruguay, and Brazil have met after a long time. So they decided to go for a fine dinner and are sitting around a circular table.

C, who is neither from Spain nor from Germany, is two places to the left of one from Brazil. B, who is from Argentina is sitting directly opposite the one from India. F and the one from Spain are the immediate neighbors of E. D who is from neither Spain nor France is not sitting adjacent to H but adjacent to the one from Germany. A who is neither from Brazil nor from Spain is sitting opposite to the one from Germany. The one who is from Portugal sits three places to the right of one from France.

Solution :

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Moderate Level

Puzzle 3

Friends are sitting around a circle but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing the center and some of them are facing outside. (The same direction means if one person faces the center then the other person also faces the center and if one person faces outward then the other also faces outward. Facing the opposite direction means if one person faces the center then the other person faces outward and vice versa.)

Only one person sits between A and O. O sits third to the left of Q. Q sits on the immediate right of M. Q faces outward. L sits immediate left of P. P is not an immediate neighbor of O. A is not an immediate neighbor of Q. M sits opposite to O. A faces opposite direction to that of J. L faces a direction opposite that of O. The immediate neighbors of L face opposite directions. J sits second to the left of L. N is an immediate neighbor of A. M and J face the direction same as that of N.

Solution :

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Puzzle – 4

Eight Friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W are sitting around a circular table, not necessarily in the same order. Three of them are facing outside the center while others are facing the center. There are four Males and four Females in the Group.

• R does not face outside the center.
• The one who sits immediately left of R is a male.
• Q sits immediate right of T and second to the right of R.
• W is not immediate of R.
• Three persons are sitting between U and Q. Both the immediate neighbors of Q are not males.
• V is sitting third to the right of U. Both the immediate neighbors of S, face outside.
• S sits second to the left of U and third to the right of P. The immediate neighbors of T are Males and are facing the center.
• The immediate neighbors of S are not males.
• No female is an immediate neighbor of V.

Solution :

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Advance Level

Puzzle – 5

There are eight boxes placed in eight different racks which is one above another. The bottom-most rack is numbered one and the rack above one is numbered two and so on such that the topmost rack is numbered eight. Each box consists of different varieties of nuts viz., Almond, Pecan, Hazelnut, Walnut, Pine nut, Peanut, Cashew and Pistachio which are in different weights (in kg) viz., 4, 7, 12, 18, 23, 27, 33 and 39 but not necessarily in the same order. The boxes are in four different colors viz., Blue, Green, Red, and White. Not more than two boxes are in the same color.

There are only two boxes kept between the box which has Peanut and the box which has 39 kg of nuts. Both the red colored boxes are placed in odd-numbered racks. The box which has Peanut is kept at one of the racks below the fourth rack. The box which has Hazelnut is placed in an even-numbered rack and is not in Green color. No two boxes having the same color are kept immediately below or above in the rack. Only one box is kept between Green colored boxes and the box having Almond. The rack number and the weight of the Pine nut are the same. Sum of the weights of nuts in Blue colored boxes is square of a number. The White-colored box is kept just above the box having 27 kg of nuts, which is kept in an odd-numbered rack. The box having Almond is kept at one of the odd-numbered racks above the box having Peanut. None of the Green colored boxes are kept in the lowermost rack. The weight of Cashew nut is a prime number and it is not in the color as same as the one in the fifth rack. Only one box is kept between Pine nut and Hazelnut, which is not placed immediately below the box having Peanut. There are three boxes kept between the box having Walnut and the box which is in White color. Only two boxes are kept between the box having Pecan and the box which has 7 kg of nuts. As many boxes are kept above the box having Cashew is as same as the boxes below the box which has 12 kg of nuts. The weight of Pecan is not in multiples of 11.

Solution :

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