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IBPS Clerk Mains And IBPS PO Mains Targeted Puzzles
Puzzle 1
Eight persons K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R are sitting in a straight row but not necessary in the same order. They are sitting with equidistance between each other and some of them are facing north while some of them are facing south. They all are in different ages (in years) viz., 18, 21, 25, 27, 32, 38, 43 and 49 but not necessary in the same order. Not more than two persons sitting together faces the same direction.
The one whose age is 21 years sits third to the right of K, who sits second from the either ends of the row. Two persons are sitting between Q and R, who is an immediate neighbour of K. The one whose age is an prime number sits to the immediate left of L, who does not face north direction. Both the immediate neighbours of L are faces the same direction. Only two persons are sitting between the one whose age is 38 and the one whose age is 49, who sits at one of the extreme ends of the row. As many persons sitting to the left of the person whose age is 43 is same as many persons sitting to the right of N. M and R faces opposite directions (If one person faces north, then the another one faces south and vice-versa). The one whose age is multiple of 5 sits second to the right of M. Three persons are sitting between O and the youngest person. L’s age is not in odd number.
Solution :
Puzzle – 2
Seven persons A, B, C, D, P, Q and R are living on a seven storey building in such a way that the ground floor is numbered one, the above one is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered seven. They all are attending the meeting in seven different days of the same week from Monday to Sunday but not necessary in the same order. No two persons attend the meeting in the same day.
Only two persons are living between the one who attend the meeting on Saturday and R, who lives on one of the even numbered floors.Only one person attend the meeting between P and D, who attends after P. As many persons attend the seminar before D is same as the number of persons attend the meeting after B. The one who attends the meeting on Friday lives immediately below P.None of the persons attend the meeting between D and A. As many persons live below R is one less than above C. More than three persons live between Q and the one who attend the meeting on last day of the week, who does not live on the ground floor. Q lives one of the odd numbered floors but above C lives.Only one person lives between B and the one who attend the meeting on Wednesday. A does not attend the meeting before the one who lives on the ground floor.
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Puzzle 3
Six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U are living on an eight storey building which has two vacant floors. The ground floor is numbered 1, the above one floor is numbered 2 and so on till the topmost floor is numbered 8. Each of them has different professions as Teacher, Scientist, Engineer, HR, Economist and Doctor but necessary in the same order. All of them are belongs to same family with three different generations.
S lives on one of the odd numbered floors but not in the ground floor. Only two persons are living between the one who is Teacher and S, who is the only daughter of R. The vacant floors are not immediately above or below each other and none of the vacant floors are in topmost or bottom most floors. Only one floor between U’s son and the one who is an Economist.At least three persons living between the one who is an Engineer and the HR, who is the husband of S. The HR lives one of the floors above the Engineer. U and her son Q, who is the Doctor are living in adjacent floors to each other. Only one of the odd numbered floors is vacant floor. S is not an Economist. The Engineer is the mother of S. T is the father of the one who is an Economist. P lives immediately above the one who is a Scientist. P’s grandfather is neither HR nor an Engineer.
Solution :
Puzzle – 4
Ten boxes namely – B01 to B10 are kept one above others in the form of stack. Weight of each box are either multiple of ‘3’ or ‘5’ between 4kg to 70kg. Boxes are either kept in ascending or descending order of their weight. Size of each box are different viz. Small (S), Medium (M) and Large (L). No less than three and not more than four boxes are of each size category. Each box contains different chocolates viz. 5-Star, Munch, Kit-Kat and Eclairs. Not less than two and not more than three boxes contains same type of chocolates. No two boxes of same kind are kept together. All the information are not necessary in same order.
The box whose weight is 48kg is kept at a gap of two boxes below the box B02, which contains Munch. Difference of weight between one of the Large box and the box B01 is 9kg. The box whose weight is 21kg is kept at a gap of one box from Medium box. The box B07 is kept third from bottom at a gap of two boxes from the box whose weight is 33kg and contains 5-Star. The box B10 is kept at a gap of two boxes from the Medium box, whose weight is 39kg. One of the small box is kept adjacent to the box whose weight is 33kg and is kept at a gap of two boxes from the box whose weight is a cube number. Weight of the one of the box which contains Munch is thrice the weight of the box B04. The box whose weight is 48kg is neither kept at bottom nor adjacent to the box which contains 5-Star. The box which contains Kit-Kat is kept just above the box B10, whose weight is neither 48kg nor kept adjacent to any box having 5-Star. One of the box whose weight is a cube number contains Munch but not kept adjacent to any box which contains 5-Star. None of the box having Kit-Kat are kept adjacent to the box having 5-Star. One of the box having 5-Star is kept just above the box B08, which contains Eclairs. One of the box whose weight is perfect square is kept at a gap of four boxes from the box B04, whose weight is neither less than 16kg nor kept adjacent to Small box. At most three boxes are kept between the box B05 and the box B06, whose size is neither Small nor contains Kit-Kat. The box B01 is kept adjacent to one of the Large box and is kept at a gap of three boxes from one of the box having Eclairs. The size of the box B01 is neither Small nor kept adjacent to the box B08. Difference in weight of one of the Medium box and the box B06 is 21kg. Weight of one of the Large box is multiple of ‘5’ but not ‘3’ and is kept at a gap of three boxes from the box which contains Eclairs. The box B03 is kept at a gap of one box below the box B09, whose weight size is not small but kept adjacent to one of the box which contains Eclairs. The box B05 is kept at a gap of one box from one of the medium box.
Solution :
Puzzle – 5
Seven friends namely – Hari, Jyoti, Parul, Madhu, Kavita, Joy and Mohit lives in a nine floored building marked 1 to 9 in such a way that lowermost floor is marked 1, floor above it marked 2 and so on till top floor marked 9. Each person works in different company viz. Amazon, HP, Myntra, Uber, Ola, Flipkart and Paytm. Difference in age of each person on adjacent floor is not less than 3 year and not more than 5 year. None of the person was born before 1975 and none of them was born after 2000. Current year 2019 is considered as base year.
The one who works in Amazon lives on prime number at a gap of three floor below the one who was born in 1993. Difference in age of the one who works in HP and the one who works in Ola is 9 years. Hari lives at a gap of one floor from the one who works in Myntra, who neither lives on lowermost floor nor adjacent to the one who works in Flipkart. Difference of age between Kavita and Mohit is at most 15years. Jyoti lives on floor just above Joy, who was born in 1990. One person lives between the one who works in Flipkart and the one who was born in 1993, who neither lives on topmost floor nor lives adjacent to Hari’s floor. Neither the one who works in Flipkart nor the one who works in Amazon lives adjacent to vacant floors. Parul neither lives adjacent to Hari nor was born after 1992. The one who was born in 1995 lives on adjacent floor of the one who works in Uber. Age of Hari is 36years and lives just above the one who works in Amazon. The one who works in Flipkart lives on floor marked perfect square. Two person lives between the one who works in HP and Mohit, who was not born in 1980. Two person lives between the one who works in Myntra and Parul. No person lives between the one who works in HP and Joy, who neither works in Myntra nor Flipkart. Two person lives between the one whose age is 31 years and the one who works in Ola. One person lives between the one who works in Uber and Madhu.
Solution :

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