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SBI CLERK Pre & RBI Assistant Mains Targeted Puzzles :
Puzzle 1
A, B, C, D, E and F are six children of Mrs. P. Each of the children was born on different days of the week except Sunday and Mrs. P gave birth to a child every alternate year but not necessarily in the same order. Each child likes different colours viz. Blue, Black, Orange, Red, Yellow and Green but not necessarily in the same order.
D was born on Tuesday but not before 2010 and he likes Blue whereas C likes Yellow. The child who was born on Wednesday likes black. The fourth eldest child likes Red while B likes Green. A who was born in 2005 likes Orange. Yellow is liked by the third eldest child who was born on Friday. B was born on Thursday and F was on Saturday. A is the eldest child while E is the youngest.
Solution :
Puzzle 2
There are eight friends in a group A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. They have their birthdays in one of the following months – January, April, June and July. In each month there are two birthdays. The birthdays are either on 17th or 26th of any given month.
C and E have birthdays in month having 31 days. There are at least two birthdays between A and H. A does not have birthday in January. B has birthday in June. H’s birthday is immediately after B’s. E’s birthday is not on 17th of any month. B’s birthday is somewhere after C’s. There are two birthdays between C and D. B and E have birthday on same date. Similarly, A and G have birthdays on same date. D and H do not have birthdays on same date. F does not like July month.
Solution :
Puzzle 3
Seven people, namely P, Q, R, S, T, U and V watch seven different movies on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday, not necessarily in the same order.
Q watches a movie on Saturday. More than two people watch a movie between T and R. P watches a movie on one of the days before R but not on Monday. As many people watch a movie between R and V as between P and R. U watches a movie immediately after V.
Solution :
Puzzle 4
Certain number of persons are standing in a row facing north. Each person has a box which are kept above one another. Each box is of different colour i.e. red, black, white, blue, brown, yellow, pink and green but not necessarily in the same order.
Only three people sit between A and B. H has box of pink colour and is kept at the bottom of the stack. Only four people sit between B and C. D sits third to the right of E. Only six people sit between B and F. Not more than three people sit between C and F. More than four people are between D and F. G sits third to the right of F. Only three boxes are kept between box of D and box of G. Box of G is placed above box of D. None of them sits between G and E. H sits eight to the left of C. The box of green colour is kept immediately above box of G. Not more than three persons sit between A and H. Only three boxes are kept between the box of blue colour and the box of red colour. The black box is immediately above the yellow box. Only one box is kept between the box of green colour and box of A. Box of E is of green colour. Only one box is kept between box of B and the box of brown colour. Box of G is not of black colour. Box of F is kept immediately below the box of brown colour. The box of blue colour is kept immediately above box of E.
Solution :
Puzzle 5
There are certain number of persons sitting in a row and all were facing South and all are scored different marks in an exam among 20, 27, 33, 38, 40, 43, 45 and 50 but not necessarily in the same order.
P is in the middle of the row. Q is fifth to the right of R. Two persons sit between S and T who is five places away from U. The sum of marks of V and T is equal to sum of marks scored by S and W. One among the four scored the highest marks and one among the four scored the lowest marks. V is third from one of the extreme ends but is not sitting between Q and R. V scored more marks than P but less than U. R is at one of the extreme end. W sits to the immediate left of V. Three people sit between T and P who is immediate right of U. Number of persons between T and P are same as number of persons between P and Q. The difference between the marks scored by S and Q is equal to the difference between the marks scored by T and R.
Solution :

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