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IBPS Clerk Mains And IBPS PO Mains Targeted Puzzles
Puzzle 1
Ten friends P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y and Z are sitting in a row facing north but not necessary in the same order. Each person has different profession as Writer, Poet, HR, MR, Doctor, Teacher, Engineer, PO, Lawyer and Clerk. The distance between any two adjacent persons is not same and person sitting adjacent to each other is at a distance among 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 meters but not necessary in the same order.
Distance between Clerk and Lawyer is 26m. S sits third to left of T, who sits third to left of PO. Distance between Z and MR is 9m. Neither PO nor S sits at end of the row. W sits third to left of V, who is a Teacher and Teacher sits immediate neighbor of T. The one who is a Writer sits immediate left of W. P sits second to left of Doctor, who neither sits immediate neighbor of HR nor immediate neighbor of U. Distance between V and T is the highest while that of HR and Poet is 25m. Only three persons sits between HR and Poet, who sits immediate neighbor of R. U sits immediate neighbor of the one who is PO and sits third to right of Teacher. Distance between S and W is 5 meter. The one who is a HR sits third to left of Q, who does not sit at extreme ends of the line. Q is not a PO. Distance between Poet and Doctor is 13m and distance between Q and R is 16m. Number of persons sitting between Z and P is same as that between Clerk and Y.
Solution :
Puzzle – 2
Eight persons from three different generations of a family A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a row. Some of them are facing north and others are facing south. Not more than two people facing same direction are sitting together. There are three married couples. They were born on the same day of the same month of different year i.e.2001, 1983, 1985, 1953, 1957, 1982, 1987 and 2005 but not necessarily in the same order. Their ages are considered as on the same month and day of 2017 as their date of births. The distance (in meters) between two people is a successive multiple of 12 And the distance between two people increased from left to right.
E is the daughter of C. A is the sister of F. The distance between immediate neighbours of any two people should not be greater than 144m and less than 48m. D is two years elder than her sister-in-law. A is 312m away from F who is the third eldest person in a family. H faces north and sits third to the right of her son in law. Persons sit at the two extreme ends face same directions. Number of persons sits to the left of H is two less than that of number of person sits to the right of B. B who is not a married person, sits 288m away from the eldest person. Only one person sits to the left of H’s son in law. D is wife of F and Mother of B. G has two children. G is married to H. A faces south direction and sits second to the right of B. E was born in 2005 and sits at one of the extreme ends. H’s daughter in law is an immediate neighbour of F and B. G and C are immediate neighbours. A’s father sits second to the right of E and A’s father is not C. A is not born in 1985. Immediate neighbours of D belong to same gender. A’s age is half the age of D’s mother-in-law.
Solution :
Puzzle 3
Eight boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are kept one above another in the position of 1 to 8. Each box has different fruits namely Apple, Banana, Grapes, Guava, Mango, Orange, Papaya and Peach. Also, the each boxes are in different colours viz., Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Black and White but not necessary in the same order. The box which is placed at bottom most position is numbered one, the above one is numbered two and so on till the topmost box is eighth position.
Two boxes are kept between the box which has Papaya and the box P, which is kept at one of the even numbered position. The box P does not kept above the box which has Papaya. More than three boxes are kept between the box which is in White colour and the box Q, which is kept at one of the odd numbered position. The box Q is kept above the box P but not immediately above. Three boxes are kept between Violet coloured box and the box which has Banana, which is kept immediately below the box T. The Violet coloured box does not kept at topmost or bottom most positions. As many boxes kept above the box T is same as below the box which contains Guava. Three boxes are kept between the Yellow coloured box and the box W, which is kept immediately below the box U. Two boxes are kept between the Yellow coloured box and the box has Grapes, which is not kept at the topmost position. Only one box is kept between the Black coloured box and the box V. As many boxes kept between the Blue coloured box and the box has Apple is same as between box V and the box which has Apple. The box W is not in Blue colour. Two boxes are kept between the Black coloured box and the box which has Peach. Only one box is kept between the box S and the box which has Orange. The box T is not in Red or Green colour. The box which has Apple is not in the Green colour.
Solution :
Puzzle – 4
Twelve persons A, B, C, D, E, F, P, Q, R, S, T and U are sitting in the two circular tables. All of them are sitting with equal distance from each other and six persons were sitting in each the inner table and the outer table. The persons sitting in the one table is exactly sits opposite to the persons sitting in the another table and some of the are facing centre of the table while some are facing opposite to the centre of the table.
S sits opposite to the one who sits second to the right of F and both of them are not sitting in the same table. F and the one who sits in the outer table facing each other. A sits opposite to the person who sits to the immediate left of D, who is an immediate neighbour of S. A faces the same direction as D, who is not an immediate neighbour of the one who sits opposite to F. T sits opposite to Q, both are faces same direction and does not sit in the same table. Q sits second to the right of U, who sits to the immediate left of B. U and B are facing the same direction as D. Q does not sit in the same table as A. R and C are immediate neighbours and faces the same direction. E sits opposite to the person sits second to the left of C. Immediate neighbours of R faces opposite directions (if one faces centre, then another one faces away from the centre of the table). Equal number of persons is facing the same directions in the inner table. The immediate neighbours of the one who faces the person P are facing the opposite direction as C.
Solution :
Puzzle – 5
Ten persons A, B, C, D, E, P, Q, R, S and T are living on different floors in two different buildings. Each building has five floors numbered 1 to 5, while the ground floor is numbered one, the above one is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered five. They all are like different brands namely Puma, Adidas, Otto, Raymonds, Allen Solly, Nike, Bata, Fast Track, Sony and Reebok but not necessary in the same order. The two buildings are named as Building 1 and Building 2.
B and the one who likes Puma lives in the same numbered floors. C lives on one of the floors above the one who likes Sony. There are two floors between the one who likes Raymonds and E, who lives in even numbered floor. Three persons are living between the one who likes Reebok and the one who likes Nike, who lives in one of the floors above the person who likes Reebok. R likes Sony, who lives in the floor numbered which has both the number of the building and floor are in same number. Both E and the one who likes Raymonds do not live in the same building and E lives in the odd numbered building. The one who likes Otto lives immediately below Q and lives in one of the odd numbered floors. The one who likes Allen Solly and the one who likes Adidas are living in the same numbered floors. As many persons living above the one who likes Adidas is same as below the one who likes Fast Track but not in the same building. P lives on the floor immediately below the one who likes Puma. As many persons living between A and S is same as between S and D. S does not like Otto. D does not like Nike.
Solution :

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