In Hinduism, Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Worshiping him on this day helps individuals overcome obstacles in life and fulfills their wishes. Lord Hanuman is also known as Sankatmochan because he alleviates the suffering of his devotees. Reciting the Bajrang Baan Lyrics daily grants a person special blessings from Lord Hanuman.
Bajrang Baan Lyrics in Hindi
निश्चय प्रेम प्रतीति ते, बिनय करै सनमान।
तेहि के कारज सकल शुभ, सिद्ध करै हनुमान॥
जय हनुमन्त सन्त हितकारी। सुनि लीजै प्रभु अरज हमारी॥
जन के काज विलम्ब न कीजै। आतुर दौरि महा सुख दीजै॥
जैसे कूदि सिन्धु वहि पारा। सुरसा बदन पैठि बिस्तारा॥
आगे जाय लंकिनी रोका। मारेहु लात गई सुर लोका॥
जाय विभीषण को सुख दीन्हा। सीता निरखि परम पद लीन्हा॥
बाग उजारि सिन्धु महं बोरा। अति आतुर यम कातर तोरा॥
अक्षय कुमार मारि संहारा। लूम लपेटि लंक को जारा॥
लाह समान लंक जरि गई। जय जय धुनि सुर पुर महं भई॥
अब विलम्ब केहि कारण स्वामी। कृपा करहुं उर अन्तर्यामी॥
जय जय लक्ष्मण प्राण के दाता। आतुर होइ दु:ख करहुं निपाता॥
जय गिरिधर जय जय सुख सागर। सुर समूह समरथ भटनागर॥
ॐ हनु हनु हनु हनु हनुमन्त हठीले। बैरिहिं मारू बज्र की कीले॥
गदा बज्र लै बैरिहिं मारो। महाराज प्रभु दास उबारो॥
ॐकार हुंकार महाप्रभु धावो। बज्र गदा हनु विलम्ब न लावो॥
ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रीं हनुमन्त कपीसा। ॐ हुं हुं हुं हनु अरि उर शीशा॥
सत्य होउ हरि शपथ पायके। रामदूत धरु मारु धाय के॥
जय जय जय हनुमन्त अगाधा। दु:ख पावत जन केहि अपराधा॥
पूजा जप तप नेम अचारा। नहिं जानत कछु दास तुम्हारा॥
वन उपवन मग गिरि गृह माहीं। तुमरे बल हम डरपत नाहीं॥
पाय परौं कर जोरि मनावों। यह अवसर अब केहि गोहरावों॥
जय अंजनि कुमार बलवन्ता। शंकर सुवन धीर हनुमन्ता॥
बदन कराल काल कुल घालक। राम सहाय सदा प्रतिपालक॥
भूत प्रेत पिशाच निशाचर। अग्नि बैताल काल मारीमर॥
इन्हें मारु तोहि शपथ राम की। राखु नाथ मरजाद नाम की॥
जनकसुता हरि दास कहावो। ताकी शपथ विलम्ब न लावो॥
जय जय जय धुनि होत अकाशा। सुमिरत होत दुसह दु:ख नाशा॥
चरण शरण करि जोरि मनावों। यहि अवसर अब केहि गोहरावों॥
उठु उठु चलु तोहिं राम दुहाई। पांय परौं कर जोरि मनाई॥
ॐ चं चं चं चं चपल चलन्ता। ॐ हनु हनु हनु हनु हनुमन्ता॥
ॐ हं हं हांक देत कपि चञ्चल। ॐ सं सं सहम पराने खल दल॥
अपने जन को तुरत उबारो। सुमिरत होय आनन्द हमारो॥
यहि बजरंग बाण जेहि मारो। ताहि कहो फिर कौन उबारो॥
पाठ करै बजरंग बाण की। हनुमत रक्षा करै प्राण की॥
यह बजरंग बाण जो जापै। तेहि ते भूत प्रेत सब कांपे॥
धूप देय अरु जपै हमेशा। ताके तन नहिं रहे कलेशा॥
प्रेम प्रतीतिहिं कपि भजै, सदा धरै उर ध्यान।
तेहि के कारज सकल शुभ, सिद्ध करै हनुमान॥
Bajrang Baan Lyrics in English with Meaning
Nishchay Prem Pratiti Te,
Vinay Karei Sanmaan,
Tehi Ke Kaaraj Sakal Shubh,
Siddh Karei Hanuman.
Those devotees who recite these verses with love and unwavering faith have all their beneficial desires fulfilled by Hanuman.
Jay Hanumant Sant Hitkaari,
Sun Lije Prabhu Araj Hamari.
Jan Ke Kaaj Vilamb Na Kije,
Aatur Dauri Maha Sukh Dije.
Glory to Hanuman, the benefactor of saints. Please listen to our prayer. Do not delay in doing the work of your devotees. Please rush to do it and give us immense peace.
Jaise Kudi Sindhu Mahipaara,
Surasa Badan Paithi Vistaara.
Aage Jaay Lankini Roka,
Maarehu Laat Gai Suraloka.
[Come running] just like when you leapt accross the ocean, entered and then emerged from the expanded mouth of Surasa [who tried to obstruct your path], and on landing in Lanka sent the demoness Lankini to the heavenly abode by kicking her to death [when she tried to prevent you from entering the city].
Jaay Vibhishan Ko Sukh Dinha,
Sita Nirakhi Parampad Linha.
Baag Ujaari Sindhu Mah Bora,
Ati Aatur Jamkaatar Tora.
In Lanka you gave pleasure to Vibhishan [by meeting him] and attained the supreme position [of being loved by Sri Ram] due to Sita’s merciful benediction. Then you laid waste the Ashoka grove and dumped the trees in the ocean, symbolically breaking the knife of Yama, the God of Death.
Akshay Kumaar Ko Maari Sanhaara,
Loom Lapet Lank Ko Jaara.
Laah Samaan Lank Jari Gai,
Jay Jay Dhuni Surpur Me Bhai.
You killed Akshay Kumar (Ravana’s son) and burnt Lanka with your tail. Lanka burned like lac (molten wax) and the heavens were filled by the sound of “Hail to Hanuman’s glory”.
Ab Vilamb Kehi Kaaran Svami,
Kripa Karahu Ur Antaryaami.
Jay Jay Lakhan Pran Ke Data,
Aatur Hoy Dukh Karahu Nipaata.
Why are you delaying now my Lord; you know what resides in the minds of your devotees, so have mercy on me. Glory to you who restored the life of Lakshman. Quickly dispel my fears.
Jai Giridhar Jai Jai Sukh Saagar,
Sur Samuh Samarath Bhatnaagar.
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumant Hathile,
Bairihi Maaru Bajra Ki Kile.
Hail to you, holder of the mountain! You are an ocean of happiness, wisest amongst gods and the most skillful. O you of indomitable spirit kill the enemies (lust, anger, greed…) as if they were nailed by the strike of a thunderbolt.
Gada Bajra Lai Bairihi Maaro,
Maharaj Prabhu Daas Ubaaro.
Omkar Hunkaar Mahaprabhu Dhaavo,
Bajra Gada Hanu Vilamb Na Laavo.
O Lord! Relieve your servant by hitting the enemies with your mace as if it were a thunderbolt. Saying the thundering sound of OM, challenge the enemies and crush them with your mace.
Om Hrim Hrim Hrim Hanumant Kapisa,
Om Hum Hum Hum Hanu Ari Ur Shisha.
Saty Hohu Hari Shapath Paayke,
Ram Doot Dharu Maaru Jaay Ke
O Hanuman, Lord of the Monkeys, I invoke you with the Tantric mantra Oṁ hrīn hrīn hrīn and Oṁ hũ hũ hũ. Strike the enemy in the chest and head. I swear by the name of Hari that all that I say is the truth. O messenger of Sri Ram, rush to attack the enemy at once.
Jay Jay Jay Hanumant Agaadha,
Dukh Paavat Jan Kehi Aparaadha.
Pooja Jap Tap Nem Achaara,
Nahi Jaanat Hau Das Tumhaara.
Glory to you, o fathomless Hanuman! Due to which offence is your devotee suffering so much? This servant of yours knows nothing of worship, sacred mantras, penance, or the discipline of rituals and virtuous acts
Van Upavan Mag Giri Grih Maahi,
Tumhare Bal Ham Darapat Naahi.
Paay Parau Kar Jori Manaavau,
Yehi Avasar Ab Kehi Goharaavau.
Relying on your strength, I have no fear anywhere – whether in the forest, garden, mountains, on the road, or in the house. I fall at your feet and entreat you with folded hands [to help me]. For whom else shall I call at this hour?
Jay Anjani Kumar Balvanta,
Shankar Suvan Vir Hanumanta.
Badan Karaal Kaal Kul Ghaalak,
Ram Sahay Sada Pratipaalak.
Hail Hanuman! All-powerful son of Anjani and brave son of Shiva. You have a fierce and terrifying body and are the slayer of even the God of Death’s minions. You are always by the side of Sri Ram and are the benefactor of all.
Bhoot, Pret, Pishaach Nishaachar,
Agni Betaal Kaal Maari Mar.
Inhe Maaru, Tohi Shapath Ram Ki,
Rakhau Nath Marjaad Naam Ki.
Slay all evil spirits: ghosts, spirits, hobgoblins, demons, fire, vampires, calamities, and epidemics. Kill all of them in the name of Lord Sri Ram thereby maintaining the sanctity and truth of the holy name.
Janaksuta Hari Das Kahaavo,
Taaki Shapath Vilamb Na Laavo.
Jai Jai Jai Dhuni Hot Akaasa,
Sumirat Hot Dusah Dukh Naasha.
You are the servant of Sri Ram and Mother Sita. I implore you in their names – make no delay. The sky is reverberating with the sound of your glories, the mere remembrance of which dispels all sorrows.
Charan Sharan Kar Jori Manaavau,
Yahi Avasar Ab Kehi Goharaavau.
Uthu Uthu Chalu Tohi Ram Duhaai,
Pay Parau Kar Jori Manaai.
I have come to take refuge at your feet. I plead with you; who else shall I call for help in this time of urgent need? Get up, get up, come along! I urge you with folded hands to swing into action.
Om Chan Chan Chan Chan Chapal Chalanta,
Om Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanu Hanumanta.
Om Han Han Haank Det Kapi Chanchal,
Om San San Sahami Paraane Khal Dal.
I implore you O nimble-footed Hanuman with the call of Oṁ chãṁ chãṁ chãṁ chãṁ and Oṁ hanu hanu hanu hanu. Strike swiftly like lightning! O Hanuman, you are swift. Whenever the monkeys roar, the crowd of evil-doers flee in terror.
Apane Jan Ko Turat Ubaaro,
Sumirat Hoy Anand Hamaro.
Yah Bajrang Baan Jehi Marei,
Taahi Kaho Phir Kaun Ubaarei.
Save this devotee of yours immediately. I get immense pleasure remembering you. Who can save one who is attacked with the arrow of Bajarang Baan (literally meaning an arrow as strong as a thunderbolt)
Path Karei Bajarang Baan Ki,
Hanumat Raksha Karei Praan Ki.
Yah Bajrang Baan Jo Japei,
Taate Bhoot-Pret Sab Kaampe.
Those who recite these verses of Bajarang Baan are protected for life by Hanuman. Even ghosts and evil spirits tremble out of fear of those who chant this Bajarang Baan.
Dhoop Dey Aru Japei Hamesha,
Taake Tan Nahi Rahe Kalesha.
Those who wave incense sticks in front of you and chant your holy name are always free from bodily torments of all kinds.
Prem Pratitihi Kapi Bhajei,
Sada Dharei Ur Dhyaan,
Tehi Ke Kaaraj Sakal Shubh,
Siddh Karei Hanuman.
Bajrang Baan Video
Hanuman Bajrang Baan is a revered devotional song and prayer dedicated to Bajrangabali or Lord Hanuman, cherished by countless followers worldwide. The term “Bajrang Baan” literally translates to “the arrow of Hanuman.” This powerful prayer serves as a plea to Lord Hanuman to dispel negative energies and harmful influences. Known as Sankat Mochan, Lord Hanuman is believed to alleviate the troubles of his devotees. Sincere chanting of the Shri Bajrang Baan can help remove negativity from one’s surroundings, allowing devotees to receive blessings that foster harmony, happiness, and peace in their lives. At PuzzlesHuB, we aim to guide you in discovering divine love. For devoted followers of Pawanputra, chanting Bajrang Baan is seen as a path to ultimate happiness and spiritual fulfillment. Listening to Hanuman Katha allows devotees to connect spiritually with the divine.
Lord Hanuman is known by many names, with twelve of them holding particular significance. Among these, Panch Mukhi Bajrangbali is considered the most powerful incarnation of Lord Hanuman, adopted during his battle against the demon king Ravana to end his illusions. Devotees often recite the Hanuman Chalisa and chant Hanuman’s mantra in Hindi at dawn to attain peace of mind and dispel negativity. Alternatively, one can pray and chant this powerful devotional song at night. Reciting Hanuman’s 108 names is another way to seek his favor and blessings.
In times of trouble, you may sing various Hanuman Bhajans in Hindi to invoke the Lord’s blessings and navigate challenging circumstances. Regular dedication to this song can lead to spiritual awakening and enlightenment, especially when chanting “Jai Bajrangbali.” Reading the full Hanuman Chalisa can help eliminate evil spirits and obstacles, while listening to Hanuman ji ki Katha nurtures a deeper spiritual bond with the Divine.
History & Origin of Hariharan Bajrang Baan
The precise origins of the Bajrang Baan remain unclear, but many experts attribute its lyrics to Goswami Tulsidas, a renowned poet and the author of the famous Shri Ramcharit Manas. It is believed that he composed the Hanuman Chalisa prior to writing the Ramcharit Manas. The Jai Hanuman Chalisa was crafted in the Awadhi dialect during the 16th century. Legend has it that Tulsidas was afflicted by boils all over his body due to a Maran Mantra cast by a tantric from Kashi. He recited the Bajrang Baan Chalisa as a heartfelt prayer to Lord Hanuman, and miraculously, all his ailments disappeared overnight.
Since then, Bajrang Baan has served as a potent mantra for devotees, helping them combat adversities and protect themselves from evil. Chanting this powerful Hanuman bhajan empowers devotees with knowledge, intelligence, and strength, while eliminating life’s challenges. Many seek blessings from Lord Hanuman every Tuesday.
Hanuman is a divine Vanara and a venerated Hindu deity, often regarded as an avatar of Shiva. He is celebrated as a devoted follower and loyal companion of Lord Rama, playing a central role in the Ramayana, the renowned Hindu epic. The God of Wind, Vayu, is recognized as Hanuman’s father. Bajrangbali offers his devotees hope, courage, devotion, and wisdom, establishing him as a dedicated servant to Lord Rama.
Practice of Hanuman Bajrang Baan
When faced with difficulties or crises, devotees often turn to Sankat Mochan Lord Hanuman. Reciting the Hanuman Bajrang Baan on Saturdays or Tuesdays is believed to provide protection and guidance through troubled times. Many choose to recite Bajrang Baan in Hanuman temples or tranquil settings. This powerful mantra is typically reserved for serious circumstances, as misuse can displease Bajrangbali. Chanting Hanuman Stavan on Tuesdays can attract abundant blessings from Lord Hanuman.
Devotees approach Lord Hanuman with purity in thoughts, words, and actions. They recite the Bajrangbali Hanuman Chalisa and chant the Bajrang Baan with precise diction. It’s essential to recite this prayer without interruption, and many observe celibacy to worship Lord Hanuman with a pure heart. When prayers are answered, devotees pledge to serve Lord Hanuman, often by engaging in regular acts of devotion. Chanting Hanuman’s twelve names is another way to express love and dedication.
Devotees typically rise early, bathe, don clean clothes, and recite the mantra earnestly in front of Lord Hanuman’s idol or picture. They offer jaggery and dried coconut—his favorite treats—as Prasad, along with vermilion, urad dal, and mustard oil. Utilizing a Rudraksha garland during the recitation is common. Many devotees commit to reciting the Bajrang Baan Chalisa for 41 days, maintaining celibacy during this period and avoiding intoxicants. Prayers can be initiated while seated on a Kush Asana before the idol.
Significance of Bajrang Baan
Tuesdays and Saturdays are auspicious days for dedicating prayers to Lord Hanuman. By invoking his blessings, devotees can expect to overcome difficulties, ailments, and negative energies. Chanting the Shri Bajrang Baan Lyrics can lead to success in specific endeavors. This powerful mantra is particularly effective when one feels overwhelmed by darkness or despair, providing a boost in morale and dispelling fear. Beginning the recitation on a Saturday or Tuesday can illuminate the path through challenging times, leading to success and fulfillment of desires.
Hidden adversaries may harbor jealousy and resentment toward your achievements, conspiring against you. Seeking Lord Hanuman’s blessings can provide protection from such individuals, ensuring that he addresses their ill intentions.
What Are the Main Benefits of Reciting Bajrang Baan?
The Hanuman Bajrang Baan is considered one of the most potent prayers to Lord Hanuman. Regular recitation can help eliminate planetary afflictions and challenges in one’s horoscope. Lord Hanuman assists in removing obstacles to marriage and healing various ailments.
Praying to Bajrangbali can elevate one’s status and respect in society, while also addressing vastu defects. Combining the recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa with the Bajrang Baan is especially beneficial, as sincere devotees receive abundant blessings. Reciting Hanuman ji Stavan can further impress Lord Hanuman and invoke his grace.
By seeking Lord Hanuman’s protection, devotees can shield themselves from envious individuals. He assists in overcoming fears and conquering adversaries. With his guidance, devotees can attain freedom from the influences of Saturn and Rahu Ketu, which are often associated with misfortunes and accidents. Through prayer to Hanumanji, one can find refuge and protection, alleviating Manglik defects or Mangal Dosha in their horoscope. Reciting the Bajrang Baan can facilitate marriage by removing obstacles.
PuzzlesHuB is here to provide you with the effective and powerful Shri Hanuman Bajrang Baan lyrics in English.
What are you waiting for? Begin reciting the powerful Bajrang Baan today to experience positive transformations and release from turmoil, crises, and unwanted issues in your life!
Some Frequently Asked Questions
What are the key rules for reciting Bajrang Baan?
To properly recite Bajrang Baan, it is essential to follow these guidelines: Always read the Hanuman Chalisa after reciting Bajrang Baan. Begin your recitation on Tuesday and continue for 41 consecutive days without interruption. Wear red clothing while chanting. Avoid alcohol and other intoxicants during this period. Maintain strict celibacy throughout the 41 days.
Why is it important to recite Bajrang Baan?
Chanting Bajrang Baan is considered a powerful remedy for various issues, ailments, and obstacles in life. By focusing on Hanumanji and offering your prayers, you can alleviate your sorrows and suffering.
What should you do prior to reciting Bajrang Baan?
Begin the recitation by lighting a ghee lamp to create a sacred atmosphere.
Begin the recitation by lighting a ghee lamp to create a sacred atmosphere.
Begin the recitation by lighting a ghee lamp to create a sacred atmosphere.
Begin the recitation by lighting a ghee lamp to create a sacred atmosphere.
Begin the recitation by lighting a ghee lamp to create a sacred atmosphere.

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